I Feel Change

I Feel Change

I feel there is change in the air and I mean fresh, purposeful, meaningful and positive change for me – I just feel it, I know it is coming, I know it and I can almost touch it!!

Where does this clear vision of change come from for me?

It comes from being on a spiritual journey, a path of natural healing, having faith and self belief, building momentum and having deep trust in the process.

How did this happen?

I made it happen, I wanted it to happen, I changed my daily habits, I changed my thinking, I worked on making me a better me, I opened my mind to a different kind of knowledge, I applied new learnings, I let my heart share its secrets and I have returned back to me, the true me that was always there but I had to find my own way of discovering it again and I did.

New Dreams

I now have new dreams, new plans, the deepest self love, genuine confidence in my unlimited potential and the courage to take on every challenge that dares to get in my way.  I am thankful for everything, my attitude of gratitude burns passionately in my soul and I feel inspired by the power of the universe to which I am in full alignment.


I want to share something with all my blog followers and visitors, you have truly helped me, because you give me positive feedback and I know that I am making a difference, inspiring hearts and it has empowered me even more.  I am grateful for YOU, yes YOU reading this right now, I am so thankful for YOU and I am very blessed to have you in my life.

Embrace the Fullness of Life

I want you to feel in your heart right now the changes you want to make for yourself, see yourself in that place, envisage what it looks like right now when that change has happened for you.  Embrace the fullness of life living in that positive change, see the sun shining down upon you and feel the warmth of your awakened spirit flow through every cell of your body. Breathe in the magic of it all and dance to the happiness of the beautiful vibe surrounding you.  Now here comes a very important part –  draw it, photograph it, write it down, sing it, dance it…..create it – for everything is created twice, first in your imagination and then with your doing.  Let personal action be your best friend and hold hands together as you skip towards the fruits of your labour.  I know you are smiling now, I know you know you can make it happen for you, do something now that will move you closer to your goal.

I feel change, can you?

Much love to you today, Clarabelle

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10 thoughts on “I Feel Change

  1. I am on the verge of a very big decision and your words hold so much meaning for me today. “I want you to feel in your heart right now the changes you want to make for yourself”
    Since my life crisis of 18 months ago, I have been clinging onto keeping as much of my old life as i can. I have had an epiphany over the weekend that I do not want to do that anymore. I want a different life. I want an easier life. This will mean big decisions to be made and temporary decisions altered and huge repercussions for other people. Yet i need to do what is right for within me. You have helped me towards that decision. Thank you.
    Have a great weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

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