What mood are you in today?

After the storm

Think Feel Do

I want you to think about this, how do you usually respond to the people and circumstances around you when you are in a low mood? Chances are if you’re anything like me, not very positively. Wouldn’t it be best then to wait until your mood changes to a much more positive mood before you respond to situations. Yes, I know you can’t wait forever because this is life and you will want to be getting on with things, but if you take ‘time’ out of the equation and focus more on changing your thinking about the situation then ‘time’ will not be the main issue……you just have to change your thinking. You see it’s all really about THINK, FEEL, DO – let me explain. Your thinking comes first, which then determines how you feel which is then followed by what you do, so if you don’t like what you’re doing or how you’re feeling change the way you think.

High Mood

I want to encourage you to really think about what you’re thinking before you respond to anything in your life. When you are in a high mood you will be thinking good thoughts and good feelings and behaviour will follow. When you are in a high mood you are much better equipped to tap into your true wisdom and you will find it much easier to come up with the solution to any problems you have.

Hopefully this post will give you some food for thought.

“When you’re in a high mood, life looks good. You have perspective and common sense.” (Richard Carlson)

I encourage you today to think your way out of a low mood and into a high mood, then respond to what needs done, I am sure you will get much better results all round.

Lots of love to you today, as always, Clarabelle.

5 thoughts on “What mood are you in today?

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