Follow Your Heart

Silence the overwhelmed mind…….


It’s Okay To Feel Vulnerable

One of my coping mechanisms for releasing frustrations is to write poetry from my heart and soul.  This next poem was created at a time when I was feeling a little stressed out and frustrated with myself and I know we’ve all been there, sometimes too often!!  The purpose of me sharing this with you is because I feel through my own creative self-expression, there is much encouragement, support and positivity shining through, which may help you if you’re going through a similar experience right now.  I want you to know that it is okay to feel vulnerable at times, actually, I believe now that showing vulnerability is often a real strength of integrity and authenticity.  Give yourself permission to be who you really are, silence the overwhelmed mind and follow your heart.  May you take comfort and courage from the following verse.  Much love…

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