Start Writing Part III

start writing

Start Writing Part III

Last month I shared with you the first two parts of the beginnings of my own book.  Here is a link to those previous two parts:

Start Writing Part I

Start Writing Part II

I shared in those posts that I had only written six A4 pages of the book in 2011 and felt it was now a good time to post them on this blog.

Below is Part III of my story and maybe, just maybe I will now continue with my book, almost 4 years later.  What I do hope this posts encourages YOU to do, is for you to start to write your own book, that my friend is what you need to hear today.  I look forward to reading your book one day, I truly do, this is YOUR sign to do that.

Start Writing Part III

Chapter One, Carpe Diem cont……

entrepreneur spirit
Entrepreneurial Spirit

Let me fast forward you to my teenage years where I feel some entrepreneurial spirit was starting to shine….a team of friends and I arranging school discos on a Tuesday night….I often think back to that and laugh and also selling tablet and macaroon in school classes – 3pm was a good time for sales – pupils started to get hungry and couldn’t access any food until home time so sales were very good then, in particular Maths Class.  I am smiling here because I can remember the conversations so clearly.  I had a job after school from the age of 14, Dad got me the job in the local shop after school 4.30pm –8.00pm Monday to Friday.  I didn’t particularly like that job for various reasons but mainly because I felt ‘forced’ to go to this job, it was like a family expectation – however it did give me excellent work experience – I also earned 80 pence an hour, not that great pay really but I started to appreciate and value money then, I would save up my money and buy things like my first shell suit (with batwings) and matching adidas trainers….oh I am laughing to myself now.

Earn Money

I couldn’t wait to leave school and ‘earn money’ I left the job in the shop and worked at the weekend in a hotel doing some waitressing, with my best friend Donna (her Uncle Michael got us the job)…one word here “hilarious”.  Ask me about those funny stories one day.  Ah I’m starting to see a pattern here, family customers got us the jobs and “asked” – another great wee quote I like “if you don’t ask, the answer is always no”….so very true!!  I went to typing college after High School and got my first job in Cassels Solicitors when I was 16, my official job title was “Office Junior” a title that you cannot use these days due to age discrimination laws.  That was a good first job, I earned £29.50 a week for the first year and gave my mum £10.00 per week “dig” money, when my wages went up to £34.50 the following year I gave my mum £15.00 per week – so I was wasn’t any better off, not good business sense there….but I just got on with it!!

“Stop, Get Me Out”

fear obstacles

I left that job due to a couple of serious car accidents I was in when I was 18….that’s another story but I do want to tell you about a significant story here.

After my car accidents I was extremely nervous travelling in cars, to the extent that I was unbearable as a passenger, screaming, shouting, “stop, get me out”, my imagination had possessed my mind and I was convinced that cars were going to come of nowhere and crash into us….bizarre now I know but very true at the time.  I knew I needed help so I went to the Doctor with my problem.  I explained the situation and the Doctor proceeded to write me out a prescription for drugs that I could take before going into a car and he said they would calm me down.  “No”, I said rather strongly and confidently, I told him I didn’t want to take drugs everytime I wanted to sit in a car, I didn’t want to rely on this, I said to him I knew it was psychological and asked for an alternative option…so off to the psychologist I went.. after a couple of trips and listening to tapes, I decided that, that process wasn’t for me, I couldn’t engage in it for some reason probably because I didn’t fully understand it….I told the psychologist that the only way I felt I would get over this was to learn to drive myself and be in control of the situation.  I did do that, I faced my fear and did it anyway, I’ve been driving for over 15 years now and just love the independence of driving.

A Vulnerable Position

When I think back to that time, I could have been so easily influenced on taking drugs to help me out, but I challenged the Doctor from a vulnerable position I might add and thus a different outcome…much more positive than being hooked on drugs. I do feel very proud of myself when I think back to that situation.

I am going to take a break here from writing and head out for run before the sun comes fully up….I’ll head towards the beach front that will be lovely and refreshing, I’ll be back.  Time 7.05am.

Sunday, 18th December 2011, 9.03pm

Well well, so much for continuing with my book when in Spain, I figured that it was my mum’s holiday too and quality time with my mum was much more important to me at the time than focusing on writing my book.  We did have a lovely holiday though and I feel some well deserved sunshine and relaxation for us both.

It is better for me to be in the ‘mood’ to write this book and just let the creative flow process take over, that way there is little effort and less energy required, for some reason it just feels easy and natural when in that zone.


That’s all for now folks, that’s all I’ve written, I am sure I will come back to it one day, I know I will, when I’m ready and when I’m in the zone.

Are you inspired to write you own book yet?….I do hope so.


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