Crossed Paths

Beautiful sunset

Life Lessons

Every person who comes into your life teaches you a lesson, whether they are in it for a day, a month or a lifetime.  Think about the people you have crossed paths with, what did they teach you?  You could even flip this question on the other side and ask the person “What did I teach you?.  I don’t mean this in an egotistical way, I mean in a very spiritual way.

From Negative to Positive

Sometimes you never really know the real difference you make to a person’s life until they actually tell you.  I know there is a person out there who you have inspired, motivated, shared true wisdom with, really helped them by listening to them with empathy, boosted their self-esteem and confidence, helped them to become more authentic to themselves and helped them to listen to their heart and change their thoughts from negative to positive.

Think about this today, what did another person teach you or what did you teach another person?

Sometimes we are oblivious to the beautiful lessons around us, until we stop, think and reflect on them.  Maybe it’s now time to reflect upon that.  🙂

Wishing you a day filled with positive thoughts, love Clarabelle.

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7 thoughts on “Crossed Paths

  1. I came in from my garden, believing that’s where I do my best thinking. I’ve been trying to come up with a title for a series of blogs I want to do and they won’t run consecutively. However, the same title will be used for each one as they are all about the same subject and what I’ve learned and know for sure. I’d like to use the title, “These Things I Know For Sure,” but I’d probably get blasted from others saying Oprah always closes each issue of her magazine with those words. Although I haven’t read the magazine in years, I remember the title.


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