The Zig Zag Way of Life


Sometimes when I am out running it feels like a kind of meditation, it really does, I feel I can really get to the core of my own wisdom and truth about life.  Today, when I was out running I was thinking about this:

“In my experience, life goals are rarely achieved by only going in a straight line, because the experience of life is not straight, it is much more fluid and free-flowing than that.  Sometimes in life we have to embrace the challenge of not always stepping forwards or even backwards for that matter, in a straight line.  Sometimes we have to take zig-zag steps to the left and to the right, to truly experience and embrace life for what it really is.  I believe that , life is not a straight line…..on your journey today, think about taking “The Zig-Zag Way of Life“.

Much love to you today, I’m zig-zagging all the way to my goals,  Clarabelle 🙂

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Life is an Adventure

Sometimes I feel like I could just explode with excitement and happiness and yesterday (05.01.13) was one of those days.  So I grabbed a pen and paper wrote the following poem (well 8 in a row actually).  Embrace life and all of its adventure, even in the toughest of tough times, there is great learning to be had.  Open your arms to the world, live this life for you and nobody else.  Have fun, dance in the moment and be brave in all that you do.  May your day be filled with love and laughter.  Much love to you Clarabelle.

life is an adventure
life is an adventure

Life is an Adventure

There’s fun in my heart, waiting to escape;

The invisible boundaries, cover it with red tape.

I’m bursting with song, love and laughter;

I’m on the move, towards happy ever after.

As I free my spirit, I wake up to the light;

The orange bird dances, wings spread in full flight.

Nothing seems real, imagination is high;

The past is forgotten, don’t ask why.

Discover, explore, all that’s in you;

Life is an adventure, make it come true.

Poem created by Clarabelle on 5 January 2013

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Sometimes in life, I truly believe that we are meant to meet some people, I know they have crossed my path for a reason. Sometimes at the time, that reason is not clear, however, as time goes by, that reason comes to light – a big, bright, beautiful, stunning shining light, shining the way for the path ahead.  That meeting benefits both people in different ways and creates a mystical magic that grows from within our heart and soul.  I was introduced to a new friend last week and it was this person who inspired the next poem in me.  Never give up on your goal, never give up on your dreams, never give up on your vision and most of all, MOST of all never give up on YOU.  I hope this poem inspires you to take control of your life, make things happen for you and reach out for help, there is always others who want to help and I am most definitely one of them.  If you feel I can help you, then I know I can, I am here for each and everyone of you.  Wishing you a day full of inspired action towards all that you want to achieve in life.  Much love to you Clarabelle.

never give up
never give up

Never Give Up

Never ever,

give up my friend;

Keep on going,

until you get to the end.

Dark clouds may linger,

heavy up high;

But the sun ain’t gone forever,

it’s not its last goodbye.

For in your imagination,

beauty is real;

The outside is a reflection,

of how the inside may feel.

So pick up that spade,

get digging again;

Put the effort in,

to break the painful chain.

The past is the past,

the present is here;

Go for it, make it happen,

whatever time of year.

Sometimes we stumble,

sometimes we fall;

Courage grows from within,

to break down that brick wall.

Happier times are on the horizon,

I know this for you;

Believe and feel before you see it,

this you must do.

Change can only happen,

when you take control;

Have faith, take positive action,

from within your heart and soul.

poemsbyclarabelle, 5 January 2013