Magical Light

good energy and kind heart

In the depths

of darkness

we find our

magical light


You become the best of you, at the most unexpected challenging times.

It is when life gets tough, your real strength rises.

You are so powerful and empowering at the same time.

You inspire so many people with your good energy and kind heart.

Your magical light is shining through the darkest of clouds today.

Love Clarabelle 🦋


live your life

You’ve got to
be confident
in your dreams,
hopes and desires

Believe in you
in all that you do

Inspire your
own heart first
then inspire others

It all starts with you…

Bask in your
own sunshine
others will soon
feel the light
of your warmth

~Clarabelle 🦋

You need to do it your way, even if no one understands, your way matters most.

This is your life to be lived and yours alone.

I see you there – you sparkle so much.

Love Clarabelle 🦋


be brave

In life we choose

the steps to take

forward or back

it’s ours to make


Be brave and align

with who you are

your inner guide

will take you far

~Clarabelle 🦋

Grey Skies Blue

Celebrate your efforts

Turn your grey skies blue.


Think of one thing you can do today to turn your grey skies blue.

Be your own light of hope.

No one can save you but YOU – please read that one again.

Life can knock you down a thousand times, and it probably will. But the most important thing is for you to never accept that failure is forever.

Failure is not a word that I like to ever use, because I choose not to believe in it. I much prefer to put a positive spin on things not going your way.

Where you tried, celebrate your efforts for giving it a go. I am sure there are many valuable lessons that you took away from the experience. You might have gained a better perspective on life or achieved clarity.

If you went for it and then decided it wasn’t for you – I salute you!

The blue skies are coming.



Winning Mindset

Build a winning mindset

There is so much power in the accumulation of small wins.


Focus on achieving those wins everyday, no matter how small they may seem.

Build a winning mindset by what you do everyday.

The more wins you put your mind to, the more powerful you become.

Regain your self-power by winning on your daily tasks and goals.

The more you win today, the more you win tomorrow.

Keep that momentum going and stay on the winning side.


Focussed Energy

Are you ready?

In focussed energy, we find our future.

If you really want to change your current status, you have to channel all your energies into making that happen.

You have to go ALL IN , in order to get ALL OUT, of any unwanted situation.

It seriously is up to you and you’ve got to have real clarity on what you’re going to do everyday, in order to make that positive change.

Do the work and stay totally focussed on the goal in hand. It may also help to have an emotional trigger that will keep you on track.

Work, work, work on your plan, as much as you can, and in time, your efforts WILL pay off.

If it means, getting up at 4am every morning to fit the work in, then do it.

Your energy is so mighty and powerful, it can help you achieve so much more than you think.

Are you ready? If you are, you will feel a different person from within. You will switch into ‘gladiator’ mode and nothing will stop you until you get there.

I’m in gladiator mode, are you?



Live in each moment

In the spirit of self-success – RISE

In the spirit of self-succes – RISE!

Be open to the abundance of opportunities around you and use your inner strength and determination to raise your game.

You deserve a GREAT life and you deserve to be truly successful in the pursuit of your dreams

If you’re really serious about it, you’ll do all that you can to ‘make it happen’.

The Universe will serve you well, if you serve you well and by that I mean, honouring your core values, every step of the way.

You will never take a wrong path by aligning to who you truly are and what you stand for.

The door to your best self is only a few steps of bravery away.

Live in each moment and commit to conquering any inner fears that come your way.

There is only ever one battle in life and that is the inner battle of where you stand and where you want to get to.

Believe me, without self-sabotage you would be there already, so I guess that’s a great place to start.

Don’t believe everything you think – especially the negative stuff, for that will only take you backwards.

Forge forward with your head held high and you will succeed.



Spring is coming

It’s your time to blossom.

Without growth, progression or expansion, life will feel like it is going backwards and that’s never a good direction to be going in.

Focus on moving forward and applying new learnings that will take you to where you want to go.

Be brave with your thinking and doing and immerse yourself in an environment that will help you prosper and thrive.

You have a choice, every moment of every day, to change things for the better. Keep your energy high, your body strong and your mental focus sharp.

Spring is coming and it’s your time to blossom.


True Blessing

Remember how special and unique you are

Life is a true blessing.

There is no greater gift than the gift of life but often we don’t appreciate this absolute miracle.

When times are tough, we often focus on how hard this is for us and we forget to see life’s beauty for what it truly is.

Remember how special and unique you are and no matter how difficult life gets, know you are so much stronger than any challenge that comes your way.

Stay you……always.


Inner Peace

Expand your energies

As we grow, we find our inner peace.

When you grow, you expand your energies into new territories.

Focus on growth and this new found progression will create a certain kind of tranquility that is only matched with peace of mind.

I see you blossoming in the sun.



The ultimate challenge

The mountain top was never the challenge.

Self-mastery is a neverending challenge but when you make that your goal, everything else becomes so much easier.

Temptation to do or not to do surrounds us daily and that’s what makes self-mastery the ultimate challenge.

The mountain climber, the marathon runner, the world class swimmer, the champion cyclist etc.. are all on the path of self-mastery and it is often AFTER the great win that the real challenge begins.

If winning was the only end goal, life would lose true meaning – read that one again.

Remain in alignment with your core values and gain some real inner peace and quality of life.

I positively challenge you today.


The ‘Not Doing’ Habit

Walk the talk

Don’t get into the habit of “not doing” because as soon as that non-serving habit gets hold of you – well, the only way is down!

Keep it moving, as much as you can, as best as you can and become an “I can do” type of person.

I know you know this and it’s time to walk the talk.



Flourish in your own magnificence

Be a weapon of self-mastery.

Once one conquers thyself miracles happen.

Your goal on this journey of life is whatever you want it to be and I guarantee you that you’ll get there so much faster if you focus your mind on mastering thyself.

The greatest version of you is waiting to be unleashed and only you my friend have the key.

Keep on keeping on and flourish in your own magnificence.


Do It for Yourself

It’s time for you

Do it for yourself.

It’s time to stop the excuses for not taking important action.

It’s time to face what needs doing – head on.

It’s time to believe in yourself and your capabilities.

It’s time to show yourself how you can turn things around.

It’s time for YOU.


Master Your Mind

Soar to your dreams

Master your mind and see your success elevate to the greatest heights.

Your mind is so powerful – it can make you or it can break you.

Think of how you can use your mind’s power in such a positive way in your life.

Visualise what a great life looks for you and see yourself there, embracing every moment.

Engage your mind in thoughts of strength, abundance, achievement, success and watch how your behaviour changes for the better.

Always engage your mind in thoughts of gratitude for all you have now and in advance of amazing things to come.

Make today and everyday a ‘master your mind day’ and you will soar to your dreams and more.


Positioning is Key

A whole lot of magic right there.

Never underestimate the power of positioning – “POSITIONING IS KEY”.

If you blend positioning with insightfulness, then that’s a whole lot of magic right there.

Are you in the right position for success?

What insights can you make today to help you succeed in the future?

I believe, with the right positioning and insightfulness, it will stand you on the edge of glory.

Where are you standing?



Use your strengths to achieve greatness

Use what you’re good at to grow.

Everyone is good at something, so why not put your special talent, skill or experience to good use.

Get a reward from being good at what you’re good at.

Use your strengths to achieve greatness.

I know you know what that is for you and surely now is a good time to make it happen.

Go go GO FOR IT!



Champion your greatness

Expand your horizons like never before.

It’s a big wide world out there – make sure you keep on walking.

Even when you take baby steps forward towards your dreams, goals and aspiration – it’s still progress!

Champion your greatness and unleash your potential into the world.


Expansion is like . . . .

You are far too amazing

Expansion is like breath to your soul.

Be more like a blossomed flower and let the world see your beauty grow and develop.

You a far too amazing to be like hidden treasure. Your wonderful needs to be seen and experienced.

Today, make sure your light shines stronger than ever.

I see you and I stand in awe of you.


Lucky You

Get excited about life

Daily affirmations can be so positively powerful and can make a dull boring day, come alive with contagious enthusiasm.

“I am so lucky, everything is working out for me.”

Find an empowering, upbeat affirmation that gets you excited about life and all its opportunities.

We are here, experiencing everything life has to offer – we truly are the lucky ones!


Transformational Energy

Everything is energy

Transformational energy, starts with you.

It’s your focus, commitment and positive energy that will help you make any personal transformation that you want.

Everything is energy and you must channel it in the right direction for you.

A thought is energy and it’s your inner power that can magnify this into reality.

So the question is . . . . What do you want to transform in your life?

See yourself there.


No Excuse Year

Achieve brilliant things

Make 2023 your year for no excuses.

Excuses are old news, they drain you from good energy and hold you back from moving forward.

Excuses will never get you anywhere you truly want to go in life.

May 2023 be your ‘no excuse year’ and may you put your positive action into achieving brilliant things that make you feel super happy inside.

You’ve got this – this year and every year.


In 2023 . . .

I see you there

In 2023, change your world with better thoughts, words, actions and commitments.

Imagine the new world you want to thrive in and make your greatest plan to achieve that.

I see you there, standing tall, surrounded with abundance and sharing your happy heart.

May 2023 be your best year ever!


Rise Higher

Opportunities are everywhere

May your thinking rise higher than the morning sun.

Today, think big things! Think so big you even astound yourself.

When you raise your thinking to another level, something extraordinary happens and you become connected to a new field of opportunities.

The higher your thinking, the more tremendous the opportunities.

Rise high wonderful you and make 2023 your best year yet!


The Purest Light

Let you shine

The purest light exudes from you.

As soon as you realise even the sun cannot compete with your own beautiful light, the greatest things begin to happen for you.

Your pure light can permeate any problem, challenge or worry and all you have to do, is let you shine.

Yes indeed – LET YOU SHINE – today and everyday.


Now is Forever

There is no greater presence than now

I want you to really think about the above quote and what it speaks to you.

There is no greater presence than NOW and no greater answer than NOW.

As soon as you become solely aware of this power, a positive internal shift begins to happen.

Time begins to slow down and eventually doesn’t exist. Worries become non-existent and joy becomes more of a priority or just IS.

Life changes thought or thought changes life? – that won’t matter anymore, because your true presence will thrive in natural flow.

You may never get to experience pure reality but one thing is for sure, if you do miss out on this one absolute truth, you truly haven’t lived.

Life doesn’t have to be as complicated as we make it. Calm waters make more impact than stormy seas.

I invite you to ponder in the stillness of life today.


Take Yourself Home

It’s time to come home to you

It is in the depths of darkness we find our magical light.

Take yourself home – not to a place or to familiar people – I mean, take yourself home to you.

Remember what makes you tick and what makes you feel alive. It’s easy to get lost in the crowd and do what everyone else is doing but what if that’s not really you?

Maybe it’s time to take your foot off the gas and stop to think about you, what you’re doing and where you’re going?

Being true to yourself is much more difficult to achieve on the hamster wheel of life – that’s why you must break out of that cycle and take a breath for you.

It’s time to come home to you and it’s time to make the time for it.

You’ve got this!


Shining Star

You are the magic

The midnight sky, is vast and black, yet stars appear and light comes back.

Keep on dancing your way through life and don’t let anyone dim your beautiful light.

Remember, you are the magic and it’s time to release your power.

There is challenge, there is change but most of all there is choice. May you choose to adopt the right daily habits that will serve you well and lead you to your dreams.

You truly are a shining star!


Live Your Best Life

I see you there, living the life of your dreams

Live Your Best Life

It’s easy to say these words, so easy but to truly live these words, well that indeed is another story.

If you’re currently not living your best life, think about what living your best life would look like for you.

Remember, the power is in you and if you really want it enough, then make a plan and do the work everyday that needs done to enable you to get there.

So, know where “there” is and hold that purposeful vision so strong, because when you hit some tough spots along the way, you’ll have full reason to keep charging forward.

So, wonderful you, what are you waiting for, get to work now and by this time next year, you’ll be so much closer to your desired results, or, better still, you’ll be there already.

I see you there, living the life of your dreams and I know you see it too.


I Am Strong

Facing the fear

Today is hard,
just let me breathe,
away from it all,
like a falling leave.

Congested thoughts,
stuck in mind,
nothing clear,
people unkind.

Bring me hope,
as I kneel here,
holding faith,
facing the fear.

Let my spirit,
allow love in,
believing one day,
I will win.

Let me see,
the brightest star,
twinkling at me,
from afar.

Let the sun,
sparkle and shine,
raising my energy,
feeling divine.

Now I know,
I am strong,
no matter the worry,
this life I belong.

By Clarabelle, 9 December 2022

Sometimes You Win…..

Show the world what you’ve got

Life can bring with it, some tough days, tougher days, rough days, rougher days and the most beautiful glory days.

We all know, in life, sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t, but the key is to stay focussed on the job in hand and progressly move forward, inch by inch towards your desired goals.

Expect the unexpected and never be surprised when the tough days get tougher or a happy day gets happier – and we all love the latter!

Show the world what you’ve got and ignite your inner strength into something so powerful, that no matter what comes your way, you are ready to fight back, every single time.

Deliver your best you every day and remember, impactful changes take a whole lot of time, energy and real effort – then you can look forward to the fruits of those wonderful glory days and believe me, I know they are coming for you.

Cheers to resilient you with the strength of a hundred soldiers.

I love you for your bravery – go get it!

Clarabelle, 9 December 2022

Equilibrium Upset?

Cherish your beautifully balanced equilibrium

When something or someone upsets your equilibrium, it’s important to reset your inner balance as soon as you can.

An off-balance internal system can throw out your whole day and keep you from moving forward.

Try to move on from the situation as quickly as possible or indeed “park it” until you’re ready to deal with it.

I know when my equilibrium is out of balance, I struggle to focus on the ‘job in hand’ and make any valuable progression.

Sometimes, all you need, is a well-deserved “time out” away from the person or situation, in order to give your body and head, space to think or perhaps – not to think!

To sit and dwell in an uncomfortable environment that upsets you even more, is absolutely not what we are trying to do here.

So next time you feel your harmonious field becoming disrupted, do your best to get away from that situation super fast.

You can deal with it, when you’re ready and not before then.

So cherish your beautifully balanced equilibrium and never give anyone or anything the power to knock it out of sync.

May your day be joyous and balanced.

Clarabelle, 2 December 2022

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You’re Never Alone

Have faith and trust in you.

Remember there is always the deepest love around you and you need never feel alone. Keep your spirits high and use any alone time to reflect on learning from the past and creating an amazing future for yourself.

Alone time can be so valuable to think about what you really want for your life going forward.

Have faith and trust in you.

Clarabelle, 1 December 2022

The Happier Side of Life

Life brings a roller coaster of changes that we are often not prepared for.

What do I know about what you’re going through right now? I have no idea if you’re feeling good or lying low but I do know that life brings a roller coaster of changes that we are often not prepared for.

We all have an emotional response to what’s going on around us and some of us are better at controlling that emotion or how we react to it.

There are so many different factors that determine how we respond to any given situation and I bet you, if you’re having a particularly bad day, you won’t respond the same way as you would, if you were having a good day.

Let’s keep it simple and say a bad day may equal a bad response and a good day may equal a good response. Therefore, if you want to respond better to challenging situations that come your way, it’s better to focus on the things that will help you have good day.

We can’t control other people and what they do but we can do as much as we can for ourselves to have a better kind of day.

Lately, I’ve been trying this out for myself and through my own daily efforts, I have managed to have more good days and good reponses than not so good ones. Below is a short list of some of the things I have been doing:

Reduced my intake of refined sugar. Although I really do love sweets, cakes, biscuits, chocolates and all that lovely stuff, I noticed it was having a detrimental effect on my mood. I certainly had more of a short fuse when sugared up to the max with these delicious fancies. By cutting these out of my diet for the last four months I have noticed a positive difference in my mindset and mood.

Cut out caffeine. Caffeine has always been a tricky one for me, I love to love it but hated the brain crash when the caffeine wore off. This, so called crash put me into a low and cranky mood and I didn’t like that one bit. So I decided, let’s cut this stuff out of my diet and see how it goes. I must say my mood has definitely uplifted and my energy levels are higher and more constant throughout the day.

Got myself back in the gym. I stopped the gym for about a year and I did notice the negative changes in my body because of it. So, I started going back to the gym 2-3 times per week and this also had a positive impact on my energy levels and mood.

Running. I love to run but again, like the gym, I stopped it for a while and I’ve got to say, I really missed my running. Running makes my whole body feel good and alive, so I make sure I run at least twice a week to get the full goodness from it.

Writing. I love writing on this blog and creating poems but I stopped for about four years and that wasn’t good for me – I was unhappy with not satisfying my creative side. So I started writing on this Clarabelle blog about five months ago and that makes me feel on top of the world.

Went on holiday. I hadn’t been on a proper holiday for a number of years and it was well overdue. This holiday really did refresh my body and mind and reminded me of how good it is to ‘getaway’ every now and again.

Positive Relationships. I started focussing on having more positive and meaningful relationships that fulfilled me and inspired me to be a better person and reach for my goals. The power of having these good relationships in your life are highly impactful and can be a real gamechanger in terms of your own love and happiness.

Sleep. One of the most important factors for me in having a better day is by getting a good night’s sleep for at least 8 hours every night. I love my sleep and never feel guilty about putting my head to rest and going for a well deserved nap. Give me a great night’s sleep and I’ll be on point the whole day through.

Water. Since I stopped the caffeine, I don’t drink fizzy soda drinks or anything like that anymore. I mainly stick to sparkling and still water and aim to drink about two litres of this beautiful stuff everyday.

Motivation. I love listening to a little bit of motivational talks everyday, it just keeps my head in the right space. Every morning I listen to “7 Good Minutes” on Spotify and it really does have a positive impact on my focus and mood throughout the day. I always say to myself, “if they can do it, I can do it” – it’s powerful stuff!

There are so many other factors that I could add to the above list, like being around family, going for walks in nature, being by the sea, watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset, doing more fun things and the list goes on.

It really all comes down to choosing to do those things everyday that will help you be a better you and ultimately have better days. I am sure most of us, if not all, would rather be around a positive, good energy person that handles most challenges well and chooses to live on the happier side of life.

By Clarabelle, 23 November 2022

Stuck in Your Head

Embrace the right kind of change

Don’t get stuck in your head with negative thinking and over analysing. If you really really want to do something, I know you WILL make it happen. On the other hand, if you say you really want to do something but nothing is getting done about it, you’ve really got to look at that.

There are many reasons why you would want to do something but just don’t and this inaction may be related to some sort of inner FEAR.

You see, I’m there right now. I really really want to do something but I have a HUGE fear of it not working out and this fear comes from experiencing this pain a number of times in the past. So what am I doing about this? Well, I am taking every lesson from the past failures and making changes ever so slowly, rather than just jumping in, which I have done every time before.

I’m not frightened of change, actually I embrace the right kind of change but taking baby steps towards the progression of this change is a better option for me.

I’m learning to move forward but in a different way. This type of movement helps me become more patient, disciplined and consistent with my daily action.

Please don’t stay stuck, it’s a miserable place to be in. Take a look at what tiny changes you can make everyday to help you on your new path.

We’re all in this together and that’s why I do what I do. I just love sharing words of encouragement with you – we all need a little bit of that.

I know you really really want to – so start doing something about it today.


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Magical You

Dreams of abundance

I trust one day,
you’ll feel the light,
within your heart,
shining bright.

I hope one day,
you’ll smile so much,
it cheers you up,
and others you touch.

I believe one day,
you’ll have it all,
dreams of abundance,
having a ball.

I know one day,
you’ll see in you,
the specialness you hold,
beautiful and true.

I see one day,
an accomplished you,
achieving greatness,
in all that you do.

I treasure the day,
all skies are blue,
and nothing compares,
to magical you.

By Clarabelle, 16 November 2022

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Things Not Going Your Way?

What are the little things you’re not on top of?

If things are not going your way, think about this…

What are the little things that you’re not on top of?

You know those things that don’t seem to be such a problem until they are ignored way to often and all of a sudden you’re thinking,
“Yikes, what’s happening here?”

I’ll tell you what’s happening.  You see all those little things that you forgot to do, that you didn’t make a priority for in your life at the time, they can all build up to a BIG problem, if just ignored. No matter what size your problem or challenge is, it just simply ain’t going to go away until you deal with it.  You have to take RESPONSIBILITY. You have to stay DISCIPLINED, be FOCUSSED and take a little or a lot of ACTION every day and be CONSISTENT with it.  Then my friend you’ll see some worthwhile change happening for you.

You know exactly what I’m saying don’t you?  I know you’re thinking of at least one problem right now that if you dealt with it properly, day by day, you’d be telling yourself a different story, a more positive story.

So how can YOU solve this for YOU? Well, GET ON THE BALL, that’s it, say to yourself, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, take CONTROL of your life and just you GET A MOVE ON.

Be direct, open and honest with yourself on this one – YOU KNOW what you have to do.

So Just You Do It and GET BACK ON THE BALL!!

You know you want to.

This is your chance. This is your opportunity. Enjoy getting stuck in to it and sort that problem out…….NOW!!

Can you hear me?

Tough love from Clarabelle today.

Have a Happy day making a start!


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Let Go of Old Ways

Think of your life ahead as one big blank canvas

What if you had to begin again? I really mean begin again, right where you are. What would that mean for you? What would you want to start again?

Life is a bit like that, sometimes we just have to begin again, start afresh, let go of old ways and encompass new ways – new ways of thinking, new ways of doing and new ways of feeling.

Think of your life ahead as one big blank canvas, with lots of white space to fill with whatever you want to fill it with – what do you want to fill your white space with?

Use your imagination right now to envisage a life of love, love for everything you want to do and who you love being with.  Reinvent the next chapter of your life into something truly amazing for you and your loved ones. This space can be entered into the here and now by changing things up for yourself, whatever that will be for you.

So I encourage you today to fill your walking boots with courage, bravery, energy, love, self-discipline, creativity, imagination and determination to make each baby step of change fulfilling and purposeful for you.

Get those walking boots out and rock your socks off into the next episode of YOUR AMAZING LIFE.

Thank you for being here.

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8 Benefits of Crazy Cold Showers

it wakens me up like nothing else

Whilst on my own self development journey, I have tried and tested so many different life hacks and growth mindset strategies. One that I found very difficult to adopt but now seem to really love – is those “Crazy Cold Showers” in the morning.

I’ve got to be honest here, it took me a long time to get into the swing of it but now I simply love turning that shower from hot to cold for a short blast of super freshness and sheer aliveness in every cell of my body.

Of course, the real expert on this cold immersion therapy is the guru himself, none other than, Mr Wim Hof – you can find out all about his Wim Hof Method on his website and it’s really quite fascinating but not for the faint-hearted!

The main benefits I feel I get from my morning cold showers are quite simple yet impactful. Here are just a few:

  1. First and foremost it wakens me up like nothing else and after a good 8-9 hours sleep – that’s got to be a good thing.
  2. It uplifts my mood instantly – yes that crazy coldness makes me feel happy inside.
  3. Every cold shower is a challenge to me but the self-satisfaction I feel from overcoming that morning challenge, really does set me up for the day.
  4. My hair and skin looks and feels so much better, fresher and softer to touch – is this cold shower related? I feel it sure is.
  5. It’s fun – yes I did say fun – I treat it like a fun thing to do and it then feels like “childlike fun” in a funny sort of way.
  6. It puts my brain on an uplifted alert mode, which I then feel enhances my focus and concentration levels throughout the day.
  7. I don’t need that morning coffee to wake up my senses – these crazy cold showers work better than caffeine every single time.
  8. It detoxes the mind. The cold shower for me, in that moment, erases all the worries and stresses trapped upstairs – it’s like a destress release button to allow clarity to then kick in.

So there you have it, that’s eight good reasons for anyone to think about introducing a cold shower to their morning routine.

My cold shower process starts with hot, warm, luke warm, cool and then freezing cold – I turn the temperature down every minute or so, which allows by body to adapt quickly to the coldness. I then try to stay as long as possible under the freezing cold water and this is definitely the fun part!

Are you up for the cold shower challenge?

Have you already introduced cold showers into your morning routine?

Let me know you thoughts in the comments section and let’s support each other to be the best version of ourselves each and everyday.

It’s Your Life – GO GET IT!

Written by Clarabelle on 7 October 2022
Posted to Blog on 12 October 2022

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Quitting Caffeine

With the highest of highs, came the lowest of lows.

I have been a massive fan of the popular cafe latte and chocolate topped cappuccino since I tried my first ‘proper’ barista coffee in 2005 and then, I was quite simply. . .”hooked”.

One of my favourite past times used to be going to my favourite coffee shop, having the perfect window seat and writing poems in my notepad – I really loved it! Such a simple thing to do and I could easily sit there for hours people watching, pondering, reflecting and writing away. It was soulful bliss to me.

I actually didn’t realise how much the caffeine was adding to my enjoyable experience and how my creative mind seemed to flood with rhyming words and magical rhythms as soon as the caffeine hit kicked in. I later discovered that although this caffeine intake was great in the short term moment, it wasn’t so great for my long term mindset, sleep and general mood.

For me the instant buzz of caffeine raised my output to another level and my creativity and performance, albeit for a short period, was off the charts. However, with the highest of highs came the lowest of lows and I soon realised my body needed more and more caffeine to achieve the same hit. Well, this started worrying me and in all fairness, I just didn’t like it.

The negative effects of caffeine on me were too much to tolerate to keep on taking it. I experienced mood swings, adrenal fatigue, anxiety, heart palpitations, trembling hands, acne and mild paranoia. Caffeine was making me slightly psychotic, so I had to give it up.

It took me 26 years of drinking coffee everyday to then realise how much it was negatively affecting me – that’s a lot of coffee and a lot of money to Mr Starbucks.

Since 2015 I’ve been on a rollercoaster ride with caffeine – sometimes I would stay off it for many months and then try it again to see if my body could handle the effects any better. Nope . . . . . if anything, it was just getting worse.

So fast forward to today, 30 September 2022 and I am caffeine free once more. This time I not only cut out caffeine coffees, tea and soda drinks, I also removed foods containing caffeine, such as chocolate – damn it – such a shame on that one, as I really do love chococate but I just can’t take the cocoa content.

What can I say – I genuinely feel I’ve found me again. The real me without the stimulants and I’m starting to really feel great again. My mood is now balanced, calm and focussed all of the time. My energy levels are increasing everyday and I am improving greatly with my running. My sleep is undisturbed and peaceful every night. My creativity is back to where it should be, without the need for that caffeine fix. If I want a coffee or tea it’s got to be decaf/herbal and I never drink soda anymore, sparkling water is my thing now.

I have never found the process of cutting out caffeine easy. As a matter of fact, when I do start the detox process, my mood is low and irritable for about two weeks and the caffeine withdrawal headaches are 48 hours of intense throbbing craziness.

Will I ever go back to caffeine again? Not on your life! Caffeine just messes with the very essence of me and I don’t want that messiness in my life anymore.

The last few months I have also massively reduced my refined sugar intake and I think that has also helped me to get back to me.

How does caffeine affect you? If you rely on your caffeine fix every day to ‘perk you up’ and ‘stay on it’, maybe you want to have a closer look at that?

Quitting caffeine was EXTREMELY hard for me. I once heard this quote: “If you do what’s easy everyday, your life will be hard, but if you do what’s hard everyday, your life will be easy.”

In the longterm I want an easy life, so today I will do what’s hard.

By Clarabelle

Article written on 30 September 2022
Posted to Blog on 8 October 2022

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Poetry Corner #8

Self-belief can take you places

Good day to you and happy Thursday – it’s Poetry Corner day today, so a very warm welcome to you.

Explore the wisdom in your mind.


A gasp for air,
thirsty for life,
battling the storms,
of trouble and strife.

A messy mind,
a broken heart,
stuck in the moment,
where do you start?

Believe in you,
the strength within,
your beautiful heart,
desire to win.

For self-belief,
can you take you places,
flying high,
amongst smiling faces.

You can do it,
know this is true,
have faith in yourself,
and your dreams too.

Your inner wisdom,
will show you the way,
a new you is born,
believe in you today.

By Clarabelle, London, UK
Created on 24 August 2022
Posted to Blog on 22 September 2022

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Grow Into Tomorrow

Get Up and Get Going!

Stagnation can be so very painful. Lack of growth and stimulation can make a person feel ‘dead’. Focus on staying alive and true to yourself. Be the person today, you want to become in the future. Grow into tomorrow by developing as much as you can today.

As soon as you stop learning and making a meaningful contribution in life, you don’t just STOP, you actually go backwards, because everyone else is moving forward.

Are you happy being at the back of the line?

What will entice you to move on up the line?

What greatness awaits you at the front?

What will you do TODAY in order to make that positive change in your life?

The world waits for no one and no one waits for you. You’ve got to get UP yourself and GET GOING.

This one is for YOU – the back of the line doesn’t suit you.

It’s Your Life – GO GET IT!

By Clarabelle, London, UK
Created on 17 August 2022
Posted to Blog on 13 September 2022

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I Love It!

Timing can be EVERYTHING!

I just love writing in this blog and I will never tire of it.

When I write, I write for you and for me. Often, I am talking to myself when I write a post. It usually starts off with something that’s going on in my life – good or bad and then this conjures up some words of wisdom and/or a real effort to turn around negative thinking, in order to brighten up my spirits or to cheer up someone else who needs to read these words.

You see, timing can be EVERYTHING – empowering, positive words and strategies might just pop into someone’s life, just when they need it. They might be pondering over a difficult decision or life changing matter and the blog post helps in some sort of way.

The forever aim of what I write IS to help, motivate, encourage, inspire, empower, teach, develop and share as much positive influence, inner wisdom and useful knowledge as possible.

I write about these things because that is who I am as a person and that comes most natural to me. I have so much energy and passion for this stuff – it takes my breath away!

So, no matter the barriers, difficulties and challenges that we all face in life – you can always ‘camp out’ in this Clarabelle Blog and hopefully find something that will help you move forward in life.

It’s Your Life – GO GET IT!

By Clarabelle, London, UK
Created on 16 August 2022
Posted to Blog on 12 September 2022

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Dig Deep

Happy digging my friend!

There’s only one way forward when you’re reaching for your dreams and that’s to keep digging deep, day in and day out, in order to achieve what you want.

This digging process can seem real tiring at times, especially if progress is slow but you must keep going until you get there.

“There” might be just around the corner or very faraway but if you are really passionate about your goal in hand, the distance, near or far, shouldn’t put you off.

Remember why you started and remember the pain of staying stagnant or indeed, going backwards – that very thought absolutely terrifies me and always seems to help me regain any lost focus.

Stumbling blocks along the way can seem to spoil the journey a little bit but always be mindful of the purpose behind what you’re doing and the end result which will inevitably be yours.

You’ve got to believe that you will achieve this dream or goal, for without this self-belief, you could be building on shaky ground.

Eliminate all failure by never giving up on what you truly desire and find ways to stay energised and focussed on the goal in hand.

The more progress you make, the more confident you will become and the closer you will move towards your dream.

Stay disciplined, determined and committed to the end outcome – hold that vision so strong in your mind and never let it go.

The greatest reward will come from your everyday efforts being channeled in the right direction.

Don’t sway on the heavy days, stay light on your feet and put your mind and body into ‘drive’ mode.

Laser focus, tunnel vision or whatever you want to call it – just make sure you stay on track and see how your life positively changes before you.

Happy digging my friend!

It’s Your Life – GO GET IT!

By Clarabelle, London, UK
Created on 16 August 2022
Posted to Blog on 11 September 2022

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I Remember When. . .

Everyone in the community knew each other and looked out for each other.


You could leave your house door open during the night;

You could go for an early sole run in the park with no fear;

You would chat outside to your next door neighbour for hours;

No one carried a mobile phone and everyone coped fine;

Children played in large groups outside after school;

Local playgrounds were filled with children, without the need for parents being there;

Children used their imagination and played ‘made up’ games with their friends;

You only had one true best friend but it was called a ‘best pal’;

We didn’t have a landline at home and no one really cared;

All family dinners were home made;

A holiday was going on family day trips to the closest seaside location;

There was only three TV channels and we felt spoiled for choice;

If you could afford a taxi, you were rich;

If you missed the bus, you had to wait another hour on the next one;

Those tiny bronze half pence pieces existed and you felt you had loads of money;

Children would jump for joy with a 10 pence mix up;

Children played water fights during the summer holidays with empty washing up liquid bottles;

Everyone in the community knew each other and looked out for each other;

Hardly anyone had a car;

Getting a 50 pence toy from the local shop, felt like Christmas;

The milkman delivered your glass bottles of milk on your front door step every morning;

As children, we played, football rounders, hide and seek, skipping ropes, kick the can, hopscotch, obstacle courses, sprint races, tennis, swingball, talent shows…and all outdoors!

My Dad, Grans, Granda, Aunties, Uncle, Godmother and some good School Pals were all living back then – now sadly missed . . . . . . oh how I remember when!

By Clarabelle, London, UK
Created on 9 August 2022
Posted to Blog on 4 September 2022

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The Good in Fear

“giving it a go”

A friend once said to me, “I don’t do fear”. I was like, “WOW”, what a way to think! She would share stories with me of times in her life when she faced so much adversity that fear was never an option for her – she had to survive! This woman is one super BRAVE lady!

Today though, as I reflect back on that enlightening conversation, I think of all the times in my younger life when being “fearful” was actually a positive for me.

I was sometimes fearful of my teachers at school, so much so, I would do extra studying after school, just so I could get the teacher’s question right in class. Overall, I think that did me a litte bit of good – especially in Accounts, which I hated but passed with flying colours!

I was lots of times fearful of doing talks and presentations in front of a little or a lot of people. This fear was also good, because it made me practice and practice and PRACTICE in order to improve and become better at it. In a weird sort of way, I still find it easier to talk to a live audience of thousands of people, rather than an intimate bunch of 20. Give me a huge big stage and I’m comfortably on it! I also have a very loud voice and super high energy – so I guess it all fits!

I’m certainly not advocating all fear, I just think, sometimes it can work to your advantage in certain ‘self-development’ circumstances.

Where, I think fear did not work for me, was when I pulled myself out of the running races at School because I knew I wasn’t fast enough to beat some other runners. In my head at the time, I thought, I’m not entering this competition because I won’t win the gold medal and I don’t want silver or bronze – how super childish is that thinking!

That type of silly thinking also straddled into my young work life when I didn’t go for early promotions because I thought other colleagues would get the job over me and I didn’t want to deal with the hurt, embarrassment and rejection. So this type of fear that I am describing, is really NOT good. Thankfully, those types of fear I just don’t have anymore and nothing like that ever holds me back from “giving it a go”.

Today, I am a “face fear head on” type of person – if I’m fearful – then I must do it – that’s it!

Imagine yourself today, STRONG, FEARLESS and POWERFUL – now what you going to do about it?

By Clarabelle, London, UK
Created on 9 August 2022
Posted to Blog on 29 August 2022

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Never EVER Doubt

be proud of your life successes

Remember your experience and you’ll remember your worth!

Many years ago, a genius mind once said to my doubtful mind, “Claire, remember your experience” and that was EVERYTHING I needed to hear at that moment in time.

For some reason, I had forgotten about it for a little while and it turned me into a short-term worrying wreck. However, as soon as I was triggered to think about what I brought to the table, I turned into that brave, courageous, self-confident human being I love.

Never EVER doubt the extraordinary qualities you offer and be proud of your life successes to date.

You truly are one of a kind!

By Clarabelle, London, UK

Created on 7 August 2022

Posted to blog on 26 August 2022

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Be THEE Leader

BIG THINKERS with a purposeful VISION

I was a Professional Executive Coach for many years and really did do very well in it. I met the most AMAZING leaders, whom I learned so much from. I found similar qualities in the leaders who made the BEST progress and I share below some of these:-

An incredibly ambitious growth mindset;

Deep listeners with a real eagerness to become more self-aware;

A true drive and enthusiasm for positive self-change;

Powerful and fast acting on the implementation
of new ideas and learning;

A desire to become a better leader and to empower others
to see their own leadership capabilities;

An unbelieveable ability to turn things around where needed;

Internally honest and seekers of truth to help them
get out of their own way;

An energetic passion for meaningful results
within themselves and others;

A first class ability to know what needs done and
the onboard accountability for doing it;

Aspirational in their thinking and inspirational in their doing;

BIG THINKERS with a purposeful VISION;

And, let me tell you, this impressive list of leadership qualities goes on and on!

I am proud to say, I worked with the GREATEST in their field and I will never forget how ELATED and ENERGISED we both would feel after a truly progressive coaching session.

If you are in a leadership position and are currently struggling with your current set up or difficult strategic decisions – seek out a recommended professional executive coach or business mentor, who will ignite your inner drive, deeply question your current position and open up your own strategic thinking to achieve the necessary results.

There are an abundance of leadership coaching tools out there, that a highly skilled coach or mentor can share with you, in order to help you progress FAST!

Leaders have a lot of heavy plates spinning, whilst under a tremendous amount of work and personal stress – maybe it’s time to seek out the expertise you need.

Don’t stay stuck and never stay stagnant!

Be THEE Leader!

By Clarabelle, London, UK
Created on 5 August 2022
Posted to blog on 22 August 2022

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Anyone for Pizza?

think happy thoughts to awaken your mind

Good Morning wonderful you!

Give yourself a slice of happiness for breakfast and sorry, I don’t really mean pizza!

Think happy thoughts to awaken your mind. Use your creative imagination to stir up an aspirational vision for the future.

Be grateful for the goodness in your life today and never forget how special you are.

There is true wisdom living inside of you, so let it confidently breathe in, the intiation of amazing things to come.

Why not cut your big whole pizza into pieces of eight and let each slice represent a positive attribute.

My pizza today, is therefore made up of the following slices:









What is your yummy pizza made up of today?

Get rid of the negativity in your life, you just don’t need that rubbish around you.

Enjoy your delicious pizza!

By Clarabelle

London, UK

Created on 5 August 2022

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Strive to be the Greatest

Never apologise for aiming to be the BEST in your field.

Even if you never ever become the BEST in your field, the fact that you actually strive to be the greatest, is what will make the difference between being ordinary or being AWESOME.

I always aim to be better today than yesterday – it might not always work out, but at least I go for it!

If I believe I AM THE GREATEST in my field, I won’t let limited thinking stand in my way of progression.

Even if, in the eyes of many, I am not the greatest, I don’t allow their thinking to have a negative affect on mine. Well, wouldn’t that be a bit BIG HEADED then? Absolutely NOT, if it is for a meaningful purpose and aligns with your core values.

Never apologise for aiming to be the BEST in your field. Never ‘dumb down’ your talents and abilities to fit into a smaller box. In my opinion, battle your way out of any boxed thinking and set yourself FREE to achieve greatness.

If you’re not aligned with the above – that’s okay – you just need to kick your way out of that box!

I see you doing AMAZING things, when you let your greatness shine through.

By Clarabelle, London, UK
Article written on 3 August 2022
Posted on blog 19 August 2022

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