This Christmas

I wish YOU a magical Christmas

As Christmas falls upon us and 2022 comes to an end, may you be mindful of the positive changes you made this year and focus all your wondeful efforts into making 2023 your best year yet!

Reality is now – I’ll say that one again – REALITY IS NOW – so do your best to truly live in the present moment, whilst holding a better future in your heart.

We all have something that we want to improve in our lives but please don’t make the chasing of these changes, make you unhappy in the present.

Each present moment is to be savoured and enjoyed, without bringing in hurtful pasts or desired futures. When you are mindful of the now, you get to embrace the specialness of life.

Life isn’t always rosey, we all know that! We have all felt the feelings of loss, hurt, disappointment, sadness, stress and everything in between on this roller coaster of life and it ain’t pretty. Don’t let your imagination be flooded with worry of something that has not happened yet and indeed may never happen. Instead, try to feel the real beauty and true meaning in those thankful moments that make us feel blessed and forever grateful to experience the magnificent wonders of the world.

You are one of those amazing wonders and I wish YOU a magical Christmas, successful 2023 and prayers of hope that you realise how truly special you are.

Be the Christmas Miracle.

Forever grateful for your presence, love Clarabelle

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Faking Happiness

Know what makes your heart sing.

You can’t fake true happiness, for real happiness exudes a different kind of energy from within and feels truly magical.

Faking happiness, although it might seem like a good idea to please others, will never match up to authentic happiness and will leave you feeling out of sync with who you really are.

In order for you to feel truly happy, you’ve got to know what makes your heart sing. What things do you like doing that makes your heart smile? Below are four of my favourite things that fall exactly into the wonderful “happiness” category:

  1. Giving to others and sharing kindness – I always get much more happiness giving to others than receiving and I know that will never change for me. I love to see other people happy, smiling and embracing joy.
  2. Creative writing – this brings me inner contentment and happiness – when I write I feel connnected to who I really am but it has to be for the benefit of others – or it doesn’t quite feel the same.
  3. Singing – I know I don’t sing enough and I really love singing and songwriting – both of these acts feel like magic to me and make me so happy. This is something I will do more of in 2023 – so watch this space!
  4. Spending time with my nieces and nephew – one of the greatest gifts of them all that gives complete joy and natural happiness.

So I invite you to welcome authentic happiness into your life today and every day so you can embrace the true joy of who you really are.


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Stay Strong

Move on up, inspire your mind

Hello wonderful you! It’s Youtube Tuesday and today’s original video poem is all about STAYING STRONG.

May today’s video instil inner strength and confidence in you.

Stay Strong

Stay Strong

Life can be tough,
the weather may be rough,
but stay strong,
find the inner strength to carry on.

You are loved,
have faith, believe,
you are special,
focus and achieve.

One door is closed,
but many are ajar,
maximise your potential,
you’ll go really far.

The world is on your side,
so fill your heart with pride.
Move on up, inspire your mind,
get ready for change,
you’re one of kind.

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Feel Your Power

Don’t hold back this time

You are such a powerful individual and if you truly believed that, I know you would be living the life of your dreams right now.

I want you to believe in your self power, really feel it living and breathing inside of your body. Let this special power release its good energy into the world.

You, yes you, you are amazingly powerful and significant in every way and I want you to take hold of your self power today and move in the direction of your dreams.

Don’t hold back this time, just truly go for it and everyday this goodness will come back to you ten fold.

I think you’re ready for this, actually, I know you’re ready for this, so get your day off to a great start and release your power into the world.

Can you feel your power? I feel your strength and nothing beats it.

Clarabelle, 9 December 2022

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I Am Strong

Facing the fear

Today is hard,
just let me breathe,
away from it all,
like a falling leave.

Congested thoughts,
stuck in mind,
nothing clear,
people unkind.

Bring me hope,
as I kneel here,
holding faith,
facing the fear.

Let my spirit,
allow love in,
believing one day,
I will win.

Let me see,
the brightest star,
twinkling at me,
from afar.

Let the sun,
sparkle and shine,
raising my energy,
feeling divine.

Now I know,
I am strong,
no matter the worry,
this life I belong.

By Clarabelle, 9 December 2022

Sometimes You Win…..

Show the world what you’ve got

Life can bring with it, some tough days, tougher days, rough days, rougher days and the most beautiful glory days.

We all know, in life, sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t, but the key is to stay focussed on the job in hand and progressly move forward, inch by inch towards your desired goals.

Expect the unexpected and never be surprised when the tough days get tougher or a happy day gets happier – and we all love the latter!

Show the world what you’ve got and ignite your inner strength into something so powerful, that no matter what comes your way, you are ready to fight back, every single time.

Deliver your best you every day and remember, impactful changes take a whole lot of time, energy and real effort – then you can look forward to the fruits of those wonderful glory days and believe me, I know they are coming for you.

Cheers to resilient you with the strength of a hundred soldiers.

I love you for your bravery – go get it!

Clarabelle, 9 December 2022

I Stand Here Tall

Be truly inspired

Welcome to Fantasic Friday and that means Clarabelle Podcast day!

Today’s podcast is spoken word poetry entitled, I STAND HERE TALL

I invite you to listen below and be truly inspired.

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Today’s podcast by Clarabelle, I STAND HERE TALL

I stand here tall,
mighty and strong,
confident in spirit,
all day long.

I stand here united,
together as one,
breathing in light,
embracing the sun.

I stand here brave,
courageous in mind,
fighting each demon,
treasures I find.

I stand here proud,
giving my all,
believing in me,
I stand here tall.

By Clarabelle

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Be Grateful for Life

Create ‘flow’ in your life

Hello wonderful you! It’s Youtube Tuesday and today’s original video poem is all about embracing your beautiful attitude of gratitude.

May today’s video remind you of everything you have to be thankful for.

Be Grateful for Life

Be Grateful for Life

Create ‘flow’ in your life,
let worries melt away,
yesterday has gone
but the learning can stay.

Tomorrow is not here,
live for today,
enjoy each precious moment,
in every way.

Be grateful for life,
the moon and the sun,
be grateful for your family
and everyone.

Smile at your neighbours
and the stranger on the street,
for your smile is contagious,
to all that you meet.

Happy is the heart,
that glows from within,
embrace life and love
and forever you’ll win.

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You’re Never Alone

Have faith and trust in you.

Remember there is always the deepest love around you and you need never feel alone. Keep your spirits high and use any alone time to reflect on learning from the past and creating an amazing future for yourself.

Alone time can be so valuable to think about what you really want for your life going forward.

Have faith and trust in you.

Clarabelle, 1 December 2022


Do the work.

Imagine what’s beyond your dreams – visualise it now!

Please don’t wait for dreams to happen for you, you’ve got to do the work day in and day out.

You may not feel like working towards your dreams everyday, but believe me, that’s how you will achieve them.

Keep on dreaming but keep on putting the work in daily.

You’ve got this my friend.

Clarabelle – 1 December 2022

Your Sunshine

Stay true to you.

You have greatness within you and even on those darkest of days, your inner sun always shine.

Remember to stay true to you and let your light shine.

I seen you, breaking through each barrier that comes your way.

I know you can do this and I know you know too.


Clarabelle, 1 December 2022

Dream Achievement

Don’t just make it a dream my friend.

It’s Friday and that means Clarabelle Podcast day!

Today’s podcast is a reminder to never stop dreaming and believing.

DREAM ACHIEVEMENT – don’t just make it a dream my friend.

Clarabelle Podcast
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Today’s podcast by Clarabelle

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Start planning right now for those challenging times.

I know going for your goals in life and chasing your dreams can be extremely tiring at times. Believe me – I am with you here!

You’ve got to get yourself a good strategy in place for when the going gets tough. Working on your “go to” strategy upfront will prepare you for those harder times – because we all know, those days will come.

The best way to stay on top of your game, is to prepare for the game, not when you’re winning but when you’re losing.

So start planning right now for those challenging times and be prepared to kickstart your “go to” strategy when it is urgently needed.

Stay strong, stay resilient and stay focussed my friend.

Everyday you must be brave, battle the barriers and become the greatest version of yourself.

I know you’ve got this – I just know!

Clarabelle, 29 November 2022

Take a Chance

Be determined.

Hello wonderful you! It’s Youtube Tuesday and today’s original video poem is all about giving yourself a chance at achieving your dreams. Stay focussed, stay strong and keep going my friend.

May today’s video inspire you to do greater things for you. GET GOING, BELIEVE!

Take a Chance

Take a chance,
on living your dream.
Put in the effort,
and feel supreme.
Capture the spirit,
from inside of you.
Be determined, be open,
to follow through.
Your champion heart,
will help you achieve.
This one’s for you,
get going, believe.

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Motiquote Monday

See the forever beauty in nature

Welcome to Motiquote Monday by Clarabelle.

Monday’s are a chance for you to make your whole week so productive, you’ll never look back.

Today’s quote reminds us of how picture perfect nature can be.

“Reflection Perfection”

Remember, to see the forever beauty in nature – it’s always there for you.

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The Happier Side of Life

Life brings a roller coaster of changes that we are often not prepared for.

What do I know about what you’re going through right now? I have no idea if you’re feeling good or lying low but I do know that life brings a roller coaster of changes that we are often not prepared for.

We all have an emotional response to what’s going on around us and some of us are better at controlling that emotion or how we react to it.

There are so many different factors that determine how we respond to any given situation and I bet you, if you’re having a particularly bad day, you won’t respond the same way as you would, if you were having a good day.

Let’s keep it simple and say a bad day may equal a bad response and a good day may equal a good response. Therefore, if you want to respond better to challenging situations that come your way, it’s better to focus on the things that will help you have good day.

We can’t control other people and what they do but we can do as much as we can for ourselves to have a better kind of day.

Lately, I’ve been trying this out for myself and through my own daily efforts, I have managed to have more good days and good reponses than not so good ones. Below is a short list of some of the things I have been doing:

Reduced my intake of refined sugar. Although I really do love sweets, cakes, biscuits, chocolates and all that lovely stuff, I noticed it was having a detrimental effect on my mood. I certainly had more of a short fuse when sugared up to the max with these delicious fancies. By cutting these out of my diet for the last four months I have noticed a positive difference in my mindset and mood.

Cut out caffeine. Caffeine has always been a tricky one for me, I love to love it but hated the brain crash when the caffeine wore off. This, so called crash put me into a low and cranky mood and I didn’t like that one bit. So I decided, let’s cut this stuff out of my diet and see how it goes. I must say my mood has definitely uplifted and my energy levels are higher and more constant throughout the day.

Got myself back in the gym. I stopped the gym for about a year and I did notice the negative changes in my body because of it. So, I started going back to the gym 2-3 times per week and this also had a positive impact on my energy levels and mood.

Running. I love to run but again, like the gym, I stopped it for a while and I’ve got to say, I really missed my running. Running makes my whole body feel good and alive, so I make sure I run at least twice a week to get the full goodness from it.

Writing. I love writing on this blog and creating poems but I stopped for about four years and that wasn’t good for me – I was unhappy with not satisfying my creative side. So I started writing on this Clarabelle blog about five months ago and that makes me feel on top of the world.

Went on holiday. I hadn’t been on a proper holiday for a number of years and it was well overdue. This holiday really did refresh my body and mind and reminded me of how good it is to ‘getaway’ every now and again.

Positive Relationships. I started focussing on having more positive and meaningful relationships that fulfilled me and inspired me to be a better person and reach for my goals. The power of having these good relationships in your life are highly impactful and can be a real gamechanger in terms of your own love and happiness.

Sleep. One of the most important factors for me in having a better day is by getting a good night’s sleep for at least 8 hours every night. I love my sleep and never feel guilty about putting my head to rest and going for a well deserved nap. Give me a great night’s sleep and I’ll be on point the whole day through.

Water. Since I stopped the caffeine, I don’t drink fizzy soda drinks or anything like that anymore. I mainly stick to sparkling and still water and aim to drink about two litres of this beautiful stuff everyday.

Motivation. I love listening to a little bit of motivational talks everyday, it just keeps my head in the right space. Every morning I listen to “7 Good Minutes” on Spotify and it really does have a positive impact on my focus and mood throughout the day. I always say to myself, “if they can do it, I can do it” – it’s powerful stuff!

There are so many other factors that I could add to the above list, like being around family, going for walks in nature, being by the sea, watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset, doing more fun things and the list goes on.

It really all comes down to choosing to do those things everyday that will help you be a better you and ultimately have better days. I am sure most of us, if not all, would rather be around a positive, good energy person that handles most challenges well and chooses to live on the happier side of life.

By Clarabelle, 23 November 2022

Courageous You

A reminder of how brave and courageous you are.

It’s Friday and that means Clarabelle Podcast day!

Today’s podcast is a reminder of how brave and courageous you are.

Courageous You brings poetic words of encouragement to you today.

“COURAGEOUS YOU” is today’s Clarabelle Podcast – courage will always find you.

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Today’s podcast by Clarabelle

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Where Do I Fall?

A winning heart, is a champion mind.

A very warm welcome to wonderful you. It’s Youtube Tuesday and today’s original video poem is all about bouncing back after a fall. I have always said, resilience is built in the bouncing back, not when everything is running smoothly.

Hopefully, today’s video will help to motivate and inspire you to KEEP GOING. There will always be challenges, but you are much GREATER than any challenge that comes your way – remember that.

Where Do I Fall

Where do I fall, if not at my feet?
What keeps me going, after defeat?
A focused forever, of what I am.
A determined spirit, of “Yes I Can”.
For a winning heart, is a champion mind.
My faith is amazing, it is one of a kind.

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Motiquote Monday

Nature’s energy

Welcome to Motiquote Monday by Clarabelle.

How are you doing this fine Monday?

Today’s quote reminds us of the beautiful golden light energy that surrounds us and more importantly is within us.

“Golden Light Energy”

Remember, to breathe in nature’s energy – it’s always giving to you.

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Magical You

Dreams of abundance

I trust one day,
you’ll feel the light,
within your heart,
shining bright.

I hope one day,
you’ll smile so much,
it cheers you up,
and others you touch.

I believe one day,
you’ll have it all,
dreams of abundance,
having a ball.

I know one day,
you’ll see in you,
the specialness you hold,
beautiful and true.

I see one day,
an accomplished you,
achieving greatness,
in all that you do.

I treasure the day,
all skies are blue,
and nothing compares,
to magical you.

By Clarabelle, 16 November 2022

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A Wonderful You

A poem that celebrates how amazing you truly are.

It’s Friday and that means Clarabelle Podcast day!

Today’s podcast is a reminder of how wonderful and unique you are.

A Wonderful You is a poem that celebrates how amazing you truly are.

A WONDERFUL YOU is today’s Clarabelle Podcast, helping you to see your own specialness.

Clarabelle Podcast
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Today’s podcast by Clarabelle

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This Moment

It’s here for you

A very warm hello to beautiful you. It’s Youtube Tuesday and today’s original video poem is all about THIS MOMENT.

Be present and purposeful in every moment you embrace.

This Moment

This moment now,
it’s here for you.
No past or present,
this moment now is true.

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Motiquote Monday

Breathe in nature’s magic

Welcome to Motiquote Monday by Clarabelle.

How’s your Monday going?

Today’s quote reminds us of the beauty in each season.

Winter is a coming – isn’t it captivating?

“As winter takes its first breath, we stand here captivated”

Remember, to breathe in nature’s magic – it’s always there for you.

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Courageous You

Trust in your heart

Challenges are a blessing, they make us stronger from within, although at the time it doesn’t really feel that way.  

Courage will always find you. Please have faith and know in your heart of hearts that setbacks make us dig deeper and a new opportunity awaits for you.  

May you create the right opportunity for you in your life today.  

Couragous words coming your way in the following poem by Clarabelle.

Courage Will Always Find You

Have patience my dear,

for all is well,

I see it for your future,

I hear its jingle bell.


For just around the corner,

is a beautiful light,

waiting for the darkness,

to shine on you so bright.


Challenges are a blessing,

they make us who we are,

welcome them with open arms,

jump on that magical star.


Courage will always find you,

be brave and carry on,

just because you can’t see it,

doesn’t mean all hope is gone.


Trust in your heart,

have faith in all that’s here,

this path that you are on,

is quite simply crystal clear.


This encouraging poetic message,

is especially for you;

it brings peace and loving thoughts,

to make you stronger through and through.

Created by Clarabelle January 2013

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Dream Achievement

It’s all up to you

Imagine what’s beyond your dreams, I mean once you have achieved them – visualise that right now.

Think yourself into that zone of dream achievement – isn’t it such a wonderful happy place?

I love this quote by Walt Disney, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” –  it says it all to me really.  

It’s great to dream, but even better to live out your dreams and it’s all up to you.

I have dreams, lots of wonderful dreams and I believe that they will come true for me one day. I don’t sit around waiting on them to happen – that will never work. I truly go to work on my dreams everyday.

So I ask you today, to think about the dreams you want to make happen and I encourage you to take tiny steps each day into achieving them.

Wishing you a sensational day, dreaming, doing and more importantly, LIVING.


Your Life Has Meaning

A reminder of how important your life is

It’s Friday and that means Clarabelle Podcast day!

Today’s podcast is a reminder of how important your life is.

Your Life Has Meaning is a poem that offers you meaningful self reflections.

“YOUR LIFE HAS MEANING” is today’s Clarabelle Podcast, bringing you back to you.

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Today’s podcast by Clarabelle

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Couragoues in mind

I Stand Here Tall

I stand here tall,
mighty and strong,
confident in spirit,
all day long.

I stand here united,
together as one,
breathing in light,
embracing the sun.

I stand here brave,
courageous in mind,
fighting each demon,
treasures I find.

I stand here proud,
giving my all,
believing in me,
I stand here tall.


Created by Clarabelle on 3 November 2022

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The Mind

Unique to you

A very warm hello to beautiful you. It’s Youtube Tuesday and today’s original video poem is all about THE MIND.

Keep your mindset strong, disciplined and positive.

The Mind

The mind so powerful,
abundant and true.
The mind so amazing,
it is unique to you

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Motiquote Monday

I see you there.

Welcome to Motiquote Monday by Clarabelle.

Monday’s aren’t everyone’s best day but if you are doing what you love, then I guess Monday’s are so exciting for you.

Today’s quote is to remind you that the magic is within you.

“Magnificence Becomes You”

Take this motiquote today and run with it in your heart of hearts.

I see you there, living out your greatest dreams, full of smiles and uplifting surprises.

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The Greatest Stuck Road

Spoken word poetry by Clarabelle

It’s Friday and that means Clarabelle Podcast day!

Today’s podcast is spoken word poetry by Clarabelle.

The Greatest Stuck Road is a poem that offers you a new thought on moving forward in your life.

“THE GREATEST STUCK ROAD” is today’s Clarabelle Podcast, helping you to move from stuck thinking to full freedom of the mind.

Clarabelle Podcast
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Spoken word poetry by Clarabelle


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My Heart

giving you love

Good morning to you my beautiful friend. It’s Youtube Tuesday and today’s original video poem is filled with lots of heart just for you.

May you gain great strength from this short verse.

My Heart

My heart is with you,
through all of the pain,
giving you love,
to get well again.

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The Great Life

What if everything goes your way?

Brave steps of change can be a little daunting at times, however, you must think of the positives; you must stay focussed on all the great things that change can bring.

Yes, change can be a little scary but sometimes the more you over analyse, the more you want to stay in your comfort zone. Surely a great life can only be achieved with brave change, ambitious desire and deep faith in your heart that you are most definitely doing the right thing?

When you feel driven, when you feel responsible for making your life a great life……then you will take the plunge and what if everything does go your way….what if?

Wouldn’t that just be a great GREAT life for you.

Chase the Great Life


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When Light Meets the Dark

Spoken word poetry by Clarabelle

It’s Friday and that means Clarabelle Podcast day!

Today’s podcast is spoken word poetry by Clarabelle.

When Light Meets the Dark is a poem that offers the light and shade of inner wisdom.

“WHEN LIGHT MEETS THE DARK” is today’s Clarabelle Podcast, helping you to open up your mind and reflect upon what matters.

Clarabelle Podcast
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Spoken word poetry by Clarabelle

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Poetry Corner #13 Catch the Light

let it shine all around

Touched by emotion,
loving life,
freeing my spirit,
from worry and strife.

Keeping it together,
hoping for all,
rising faith,
breaks down the brick wall.

In the twist of the wind,
no enemies appear,
all friends together,
filled with good cheer.

An unfulfilled heart,
takes you beyond,
frozen miracles,
reflected in the pond.

Catch the light,
let it shine all around,
mystic and magic,
will soon be found.

By Clarabelle, originally created December 2014

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flourish and blossom

Good morning to you my wonderful friend. It’s Youtube Tuesday and today’s original video poem if filled with empowerment for you.

May you flourish with self-confidence and real purpose today.


You have the power,
to water the seeds,
flourish and blossom,
fulfil all your needs .

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Take full responsibility for making GREAT things HAPPEN

It’s Friday and that means Clarabelle Podcast day!

Today’s podcast is to help you to reflect on your own happiness.

Happiness is one of the most studied subjects globally – I wonder why?

“UNHAPPY” is today’s Clarabelle Podcast, helping you to live a more fulfilling and happier kind of life.

Clarabelle Podcast
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Take full responsibility for making GREAT things HAPPEN!

Unhappy? Hit the play button to listen now
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be grateful for you

Welcome to Poetry Corner Thursday. Today’s Poem was written back in 2014 and I do believe some of my earlier written poems are truly the best. I originally entitled it “Bubblegum Ambitions” but recently changed the title to “Let Your Life Be”, as I feel it’s more fitting.

Let Your Life Be, offers hidden wisdom in such a meaningful way. May this poetic verse below resonate with your being and help you on your own journey of life.

Take care of precious YOU.

Let Your Life Be

You are not what you have,
or even what you do,
you are what you are,
be grateful for you.

To compare your life,
to another one,
to aggressively compete,
under the sun.

Will take your ego,
into the sky,
bubblegum ambitions,
no tears you will cry.

But then one day,
there will come a time,
you want to change,
from what’s mine is mine.

You crumble to the floor,
and what once was real,
is starting to flake,
and numbness you feel.

There is always a way,
to shine at night,
glowing and flowing,
it’s a natural flight.

Silent is the heart,
it speaks to you here,
vibrations of energy,
simmer the fear.

Truth is where it’s at,
go to the ocean,
the waves clear your thoughts,
love is in motion.

Now you are hollow,
now you are free,
knowing what you live for,
let your life be.

Created by Clarabelle in 2014 updated 13 October 2022.

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Product Showcase

Stay Strong, find the inner strength to carry on

Welcome to Showcase Wednesday, where every week on this day I will share with you one of my originally created inspirational products.

My Clarabelle Cards are created from the heart and they aim to touch, inspire, bring hope and raise self-belief.

My products currently sell on Amazon UK and Etsy UK, so you can check out the full product collection by clicking on the shopping links below.



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To love freely

Good day to you my wonderful friend. It’s Youtube Tuesday and today’s original video poem if full of LOVE, only LOVE.

Surround yourself with beautiful love today and embrace it.


To love freely,
and give your all,
will capture any star,
wherever it may fall .

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Let Go of Old Ways

Think of your life ahead as one big blank canvas

What if you had to begin again? I really mean begin again, right where you are. What would that mean for you? What would you want to start again?

Life is a bit like that, sometimes we just have to begin again, start afresh, let go of old ways and encompass new ways – new ways of thinking, new ways of doing and new ways of feeling.

Think of your life ahead as one big blank canvas, with lots of white space to fill with whatever you want to fill it with – what do you want to fill your white space with?

Use your imagination right now to envisage a life of love, love for everything you want to do and who you love being with.  Reinvent the next chapter of your life into something truly amazing for you and your loved ones. This space can be entered into the here and now by changing things up for yourself, whatever that will be for you.

So I encourage you today to fill your walking boots with courage, bravery, energy, love, self-discipline, creativity, imagination and determination to make each baby step of change fulfilling and purposeful for you.

Get those walking boots out and rock your socks off into the next episode of YOUR AMAZING LIFE.

Thank you for being here.

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Clarabelle Podcast – CLARITY OF THOUGHT

helping you see where you need to go in life and what your next steps will be

It’s Friday and that means Clarabelle Podcast day! Today’s podcast is to help you gain clarity amongst all the noise that’s going on around you.

Today, I am helping you to see where you need to go in life and what your next steps will be.

“CLARITY OF THOUGHT” is today’s Clarabelle Podcast, helping raise you to the next level.

Clarabelle Podcast
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your heart will always shine bright

Welcome to Poetry Corner Thursday. Today’s Poem was written back in 2013 – I’ve been writing poems since a child. I originally entitled it “You Are Gold” but recently changed the title to “The Path of Life” as I feel it’s more fitting.

The Path of Life is full of wonder, amazement, good times, not so good times and everything else in between. May these poetic words below resonate with your heart and uplift your spirits to new heights.

This one is for YOU.

The Path of Life

In every challenge,
there’s potential in you,
in every thought,
in all that you do.

Believe the hype,
believe it’s true,
you are special,
loved through and through.

A broken heart,
drowning at sea,
mind swirling around,
set yourself free.

As the high winds howl,
like a wolf in the night,
look for the stars,
as your guiding light.

When at the bottom,
the only way is up,
as shattered dreams,
feel heavy in your cup.

But one year on,
you’ll look back on this day,
success was in the failure,
because you found your way.

The path of life,
never goes straight,
one day lost in the maze,
another finding the gate.

The way out is clear,
you can’t see it with your eyes,
it’s from deep within your heart,
its whispers are wise.

The people on your road,
are here for a reason,
some for a lifetime,
some just for a season.

But remember this,
you are gold,
a precious stone,
no one can mould.

So when darkness falls,
and you have no light,
remember your heart,
will always shine bright.

Like an angel in the wind,
floating by your side,
she appears in many people,
being your silent guide.

Originally created by Clarabelle and posted on 5 December 2013

Reposted to Clarabelle Blog on 13 October 2022

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There is always a way, don’t give up the fight

Every Tuesday, is YouTube Shorts day, where I will post an original short video to help you have a more impactful day.

Today’s short video is entitled “DON’T GIVE UP”. Enjoy!


There is always a way, don’t give up the fight . .

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Clarabelle Podcast – IF GOD LETS ME

with love and admiration for all you give and all you bring to the table

It’s Friday and that means Clarabelle Podcast day! Today’s podcast is a poem, a prayer and a preach from my soul to yours.

Today I am poetically preaching to you with love and admiration for all you give and all you bring to the table.

“IF GOD LETS ME” is today’s Clarabelle Podcast, to inspire the very essence of you.

Clarabelle Podcast
Listen NOW

hit the play button below to listen

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Keep a smile on your face

Every Tuesday, is YouTube Shorts day, where I will post an original short video to help you have a better kind of day.

Today’s short video is entitled “SMILE”. Enjoy!


Keep a smile on your face, and laugh out loud . .

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Motiquote Monday

Love the rain

Welcome to Motiquote Monday, where Clarabelle will share one of her original quotes.

Today’s original quote, is inspired by Clarabelle’s love for the rain and the refreshing beauty she feels it brings.

Each quote whispers wisdom from the experience of life itself.

“Love the rain, it opens the soul, quenching life, making you whole.” Clarabelle

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Soulful Grace

A harmonious vibration that can bring inner peace

In the silence of all silences, there is an answer, there is a truth, there is an untouched soulful grace, filled with pure love and inspiring potential.  I believe that each of us have this, we all have that inner ability to take our lives to the next level.  At any moment we can tap into this inner source and when you do, it will guide you on a path towards true love, abundance and forever happiness.  You see it’s there, it is always there, it is your hidden blessing, your gift of grace that when shared with this world will multiply in such a positively powerful and impactful way.  Grace has that special quality, it holds a harmonious vibration that can bring inner peace and tranquillity to another.  Grace is one of the purest blessings that we can share with another because it holds such an honest quality that is second to none.  This honesty brings with it, freedom of thought within another but in such a purposeful and meaningful way.

 A Question of Grace

When you think of “grace”, what does it mean to you? 
What does “grace” look like for you? 
What does “grace” feel like for you? 
Grace for me, looks like the tranquil open lake where beautiful white swans dance upon its gentle ripples.  It’s the only place where your own reflection paints the picture of the real you.  The real you which is not perfect but has perfection in its own imperfections.  Grace feels like the completeness of one’s soul, sounds like the voice of an angel and feels like a heart filled with love and compassion.  Grace fills the ballerina with pure poise, lives in the gentleman’s spirit and breathes clarity into a summer breeze.  Grace is the free flowing element that connects each one of us, like a family of the brightest stars.

I believe that the person who lives a life with grace is forever blessed with honour, respect, elegant presence and divine abundance.  The beautiful thing is, that the gift of grace is a precious treasure that everyone can choose to exude.

What does “grace” mean to you?


First posted to blog on 5 January 2016
Updated and reblogged on 1 October 2022

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Clarabelle Podcast

get your weekend off to a wonderful start

Welcome to the Clarabelle Podcast, where every Friday on this blog I will share an original Podcast to get your weekend off to a wonderful start!

Today’s Clarabelle Podcast is entitled, “GO WITH YOUR GUT” and you can also find this written article within this Clarabelle Blog.

Clarabelle Podcast
Listen NOW

hit the play button below to listen

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Youtube Tuesday

You are loved, have faith, believe

Every Tuesday, is YouTube Shorts day, where I will post an original short video to help you have a better kind of day.

Today’s short video is entitled “HAVE FAITH”. Enjoy!


You are loved, have faith, believe . . . .

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Motiquote Monday

Life moves on

A wonderful hello to YOU. It’s Motiquote Monday, where I share one of my original quotes with you.

Today’s original quote, is an extract taken from one of my original poems.

These words of wisdom are poetically entwined for you.

“Seasons change, life moves on, the present is now, tough pasts are gone.” Clarabelle

Seasons change
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