Courageous You

A reminder of how brave and courageous you are.

It’s Friday and that means Clarabelle Podcast day!

Today’s podcast is a reminder of how brave and courageous you are.

Courageous You brings poetic words of encouragement to you today.

“COURAGEOUS YOU” is today’s Clarabelle Podcast – courage will always find you.

Clarabelle Podcast
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Today’s podcast by Clarabelle

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Guest Poet of the Month – Maureen Turner

Guest Poet:  March

Every month I shall be posting a poem/article from a guest blogger.  If you are interested in becoming a guest blogger on this blog, please note your interest on the comments section below or email me at

May I introduce you to a wonderful and talented poet, Maureen Turner.  I know you will love Maureen’s work, she is such a beautiful and heartfelt writer.

Maureen Turner

Maureen Turner
Maureen Turner

Having had tragic circumstances to deal with in my life with the sudden loss of my twin brother, husband and father all within a close space of time, I felt I had to write down some of my thoughts in the form of a poem to try and give me strength to get through such sad times, I feel that poetry helped me express my emotions and hopefully will encourage others to read them and take strength from them to carry on each day and look at every day as a blessing, I now try and look at life in a more positive way and have realised that through time we all get stronger.


In our lives the sun may shine, some days I wonder why not in mine. with a spring in your step, you go about your day, but what about those who are not made that way. 

Sharing your laugh and sharing your smile, means a lot to those who haven’t felt that in a while, they say try to be bubbly, try to be fun, but that’s really hard when you live a life where there is no sun. 

Look in the mirror say what you see, tell yourself is that really me,the frown on my face those unlit eyes, what happened to that smile that could light up the skies.

 Pick yourself up get back on track, watch out my girl or you’ll take a step back.  So here I am smiling today and I have to tell myself ‘there is no other way’.

Copyright:  Maureen Turner 

Maureen has created a beautiful ebook of her own poems and if you would like to know more about Maureen’s work, please email me at and I will certainly put you in touch with her.

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Sometimes in life, I truly believe that we are meant to meet some people, I know they have crossed my path for a reason. Sometimes at the time, that reason is not clear, however, as time goes by, that reason comes to light – a big, bright, beautiful, stunning shining light, shining the way for the path ahead.  That meeting benefits both people in different ways and creates a mystical magic that grows from within our heart and soul.  I was introduced to a new friend last week and it was this person who inspired the next poem in me.  Never give up on your goal, never give up on your dreams, never give up on your vision and most of all, MOST of all never give up on YOU.  I hope this poem inspires you to take control of your life, make things happen for you and reach out for help, there is always others who want to help and I am most definitely one of them.  If you feel I can help you, then I know I can, I am here for each and everyone of you.  Wishing you a day full of inspired action towards all that you want to achieve in life.  Much love to you Clarabelle.

never give up
never give up

Never Give Up

Never ever,

give up my friend;

Keep on going,

until you get to the end.

Dark clouds may linger,

heavy up high;

But the sun ain’t gone forever,

it’s not its last goodbye.

For in your imagination,

beauty is real;

The outside is a reflection,

of how the inside may feel.

So pick up that spade,

get digging again;

Put the effort in,

to break the painful chain.

The past is the past,

the present is here;

Go for it, make it happen,

whatever time of year.

Sometimes we stumble,

sometimes we fall;

Courage grows from within,

to break down that brick wall.

Happier times are on the horizon,

I know this for you;

Believe and feel before you see it,

this you must do.

Change can only happen,

when you take control;

Have faith, take positive action,

from within your heart and soul.

poemsbyclarabelle, 5 January 2013