Courageous You

A reminder of how brave and courageous you are.

It’s Friday and that means Clarabelle Podcast day!

Today’s podcast is a reminder of how brave and courageous you are.

Courageous You brings poetic words of encouragement to you today.

“COURAGEOUS YOU” is today’s Clarabelle Podcast – courage will always find you.

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Today’s podcast by Clarabelle

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Courageous You

Trust in your heart

Challenges are a blessing, they make us stronger from within, although at the time it doesn’t really feel that way.  

Courage will always find you. Please have faith and know in your heart of hearts that setbacks make us dig deeper and a new opportunity awaits for you.  

May you create the right opportunity for you in your life today.  

Couragous words coming your way in the following poem by Clarabelle.

Courage Will Always Find You

Have patience my dear,

for all is well,

I see it for your future,

I hear its jingle bell.


For just around the corner,

is a beautiful light,

waiting for the darkness,

to shine on you so bright.


Challenges are a blessing,

they make us who we are,

welcome them with open arms,

jump on that magical star.


Courage will always find you,

be brave and carry on,

just because you can’t see it,

doesn’t mean all hope is gone.


Trust in your heart,

have faith in all that’s here,

this path that you are on,

is quite simply crystal clear.


This encouraging poetic message,

is especially for you;

it brings peace and loving thoughts,

to make you stronger through and through.

Created by Clarabelle January 2013

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I’m Free

I’m free,
As the air I breathe.
I’m happy,
Like an autumn leaf.
I’m loved,
Like the moon so bright,
I’m peaceful,
In a starry night.
I’m smiling,
As my dreams come true.
I’m here,
Always believing in you.

By Clarabelle


Happy Creating

The imagination is such a wonderful thing, keep on creating and continue to exercise that beautiful muscle.

See in the mind’s eye what you want to achieve in life, envision that so very powerfully in your mind and live and breathe your desire. It’s got to come to you, your everyday behaviours will help you achieve that. So choose wisely in what you do daily and ensure you are putting your energies in the right direction.

Let your imagination come alive and fuel your desire for success today.

You can do it,

Love Clarabelle

Courage and Strength

Loch Lomond Sky
Loch Lomond, Photo by Gerry Mitchell

The Truth of Your Heart

Expect the unexpected in life, it can shoot you down and leave you in the gutter of despair. I want to tell you something, because I’ve been there and there is always hope, there is always faith and I want you to believe that if you’re feeling like that right now, hold onto the truth of your heart.  Work on improving the most important relationship in your life first and that is the relationship with yourself – be your own best friend.  I like to pray when I’m feeling like this, so I made up this prayer to share with you in the hope that it may help you during tough times.  Prayer truly works for me, I believe and know this and I hope that it works for you too.  Lots of love to you today and always, Clarabelle.

Prayer of Courage of Strength

Dear God,

I say this prayer, from the bottom of my heart.
And I ask you to help me to stay strong in this time of need.
Please help me to overcome these difficult challenges,
And become a better person from the lessons therein.
Help me to build a loving and empowering relationship with myself,
So that I can turn my life around for the better.
Give me the courage and strength to forgive and to be forgiven.
Let me see the open door in the darkest night
Let my heart grow with true love, faith and hope.
And may my inner light shine and guide me to all good.
I pray that I raise my self belief in my own capabilities and potential.
And may this lead me into a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.
Thank you for answering my prayer.

Created by Clarabelle, 12 January 2014

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Be fearless….

“Be fearless and let love guide you.”

Be fearless

Photo and Quote by Clarabelle


I Know You’re Scared


Life can be scary sometimes, a bit like the first time you hear the huge roar of thunder in the stormy skies.  Think about this though, thunder never lasts that long, it soon passes and usually what comes after it is a feeling of pure calmness and lightness in the air. If it feels like it is thundering in your life right now, I want you to hold onto the thought that underneath all that darkness and noise is a beautiful bright sunny day filled with happiness and joy for you.  It is there now……I see it and I hope you can see it in your mind and feel it in your heart too.  This next poem inspired by just that.

I Know You’re Scared

I know you’re scared,
I see it in your eyes.
I hear you tremble,
Like thunder in the skies.

I feel your heart,
beating so fast.
Thoughts of what happened,
in your past.

Believe this time,
it won’t be like that.
Have faith and trust,
choose to wear that hat.

I see you moving forward,
all of the time.
I see you celebrating,
and all is fine.

I see the rainbow,
shining all around you.
Every step you take,
it will see you through.

For you are a good person,
you light is full of love.
Your smile is brighter,
than every star above.

The rain may fall,
when the clouds appear.
But today, let your mind,
be pure and clear.

You are special,
like no other one,
You have true beauty,
now let in some fun.

For life can be tough,
if you see it that way.
Change your perspective,
and you’ll feel happier today.

Created by Clarabelle, 22 October 2013

The Courage Living in You

This is the second of the poems that I wrote last Friday, it is a poem about being strong, having courage and knowing that YOU really do make a difference in this world.  I hope you like it and please share it with the people you love.  Clarabelle 🙂

Photography by Clarabelle 2013
Photography by Clarabelle 2013

The Courage Living in You

Sometimes you may not always, get it right,
Sometimes you can’t, sleep at night.
Sometimes the thunder, drowns out your prayer,
Sometimes you’re lonely, when no one is there.

But a lot of times your smile, is brighter that the sun,
A lot of times you skip, no need to run.
A lot of times your happiness, cheers up a friend,
A lot of times your heart, reaches the rainbow’s end.

So when life gets you down, as it sometimes will,
When the frosty ice, is making you chill.

Remember the love, warming you up,
Remember the joy, filling your cup.
Remember you are strong, nothing can break you,
Remember the courage, living in what you do.

It’s so easy to forget, the difference you make,
It’s so easy to give, and never take.
But I want you to know, that I am here,
Always for you, bringing you cheer.

My smile is for you, my hand yours to hold,
Melting the ice, in the bitter cold.
A friend is in me, a friend is in you,
Together we’re stronger, this is so true.

Created by Clarabelle, 20 September 2013

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Seize the day….

Clarabelle Quotes

Photo and Quote by Clarabelle 🙂


Guest Blogger – Amy Rew

Welcome to this month’s Guest Blogger post from Amy Rew.  Amy is an inspiring business woman and wonderful friend of mine, she also has a special talent for writing poetry from the heart.  I am sure you will agree her creative writing is indeed a beautiful work of art.  Also, Happy Birthday today Amy, wishing you a beautiful day.

Amy Rew
Amy Rew

Amy Rew has trained to Post Graduate level within the field of clinical hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. Amy is a member of the British Society Of Clinical Hypnotherapy. 

Using a blend of clinical hypnotherapy, cognitive behaviour (CBT) and neuro linguistic programming (NLP) along with life coaching, Amy works with her clients to help focus motivation, increase confidence and generally optimise and unlock each individual’s personal potential.

Before training to become a hypnotherapist and life coach, Amy worked for over 10 years within the entertainment and fashion industry giving her great insight and experience into issues relating to confidence building, performance anxiety and self body image.​

After working with a number of clients recently who wanted to overcome challenges that were essentially related to past experiences that had resulted in limiting belief patterns and self abandonment, Amy felt inspired to write the following poem along the lines of facing ones fears and realising that we are our own best friend.

Best Friend

I’ll stay with you now
I won’t leave your side
Nowhere to run
Nothing to hide
Catching the moment
Slowing down time
I’m all alone
These emotions are mine
Drying the river
Turning the tide
Breaking the chains
So these worlds can collide
As we hold on so tightly
To illusions gone by
But Live for today
With no worry or sigh
Stay with me now
Cause there’s nowhere to go
Play the best friend, lover or foe
Jester magician
With all tricks of the trade
Hold on to him tightly
till he starts to fade
Oh mirror mirror
what do you show
I see what I want
I don’t know if you know
Make an impression
lets make it the last
Tie to the sail
And stick to the mast
The question’s the answer
The start is the end
You won’t fool yourself
But it’s fun to pretend
Stay in your shoes
Don’t leave your canoe
Create the next step
You know you can choose
Like ships on the ocean
Thieves in the night
Silent and strong
Set sail for the light

Copyright Amy Rew, June 2013

A very special thank you to Amy for sharing this beautiful and touching poem with us, I am very grateful that we got to share in its magic.  Love, Clarabelle

How to win any battle?

Anything is Possible
Anything is Possible

“Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing.  You have to make the mind run the body.  Never let the body tell the mind what to do.  The body will always give up.  It is always tired in the morning, noon and night.  But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired.”
George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian

Loch Ness Marathon

I signed up for my third marathon a few weeks ago and I started my training this week.  I am doing the Loch Ness Marathon, Inverness, Scotland, UK on Sunday, 29 September 2013.  I previously completed the New York Marathon in 2007 and the London Marathon in 2010, both I found very challenging but also remarkably rewarding and fulfilling in terms of committing to a specific goal and achieving it.  When I completed my first marathon it really did give me the belief that “anything IS possible” if you put your mind to it and do what you need to do everyday to get there.  I am excited about doing the Loch Ness Marathon this year because I feel I am experienced enough now to totally relax and enjoy the whole experience, I know it will still be physically and mentally challenging but I am prepared for that.  After I complete this third marathon I am going to give each of my marathon medals to my nephew Sean (9 years), niece Megan (6 years) and niece Carmen (1.5 years) – I want them to receive these medals in the hope that it will inspire them to believe in themselves and go out and achieve anything they want in their lives, so I really do need to get that third marathon medal!!


I have been reflecting a lot recently (well actually, I reflect all the time, so nothing new there really 🙂 )  I have been thinking about what really works for me in terms of achieving my own goals and below is a list of what works for me:

  • Firstly, I need to want to do something, I have to see the real benefit and purpose in doing it or I will not fully commit.  My goal has to be meaningful to me and be in alignment with my core values. It also has to be my goal and definitely NOT someone else’s goal unless I am in fully alignment with their idea/goal.
  • Once I have decided that I want to do something, I then make a full commitment to doing it, without a real commitment there will be no real follow-through to the end, so I know I need to fully commit.  Commitment to me is doing whatever it takes to get there, not in a unselfish or mean way, in a “I can do this” way.
  • Next I need to do some research into what I need to do to ‘make it happen’, I research into who has done it before, what the experts say, what do I need to know that will help me on my way.
  • Then I need to make a plan of action to ensure I commit to what needs to be done, this plan of action is a structural stepping stone for me, I have realised that if I have an easy and simple daily structure to follow I will do that – simple, visual diagrams and charts work best for me.  I put the new learning into practice and tick off my daily achievements along the way – for me this definitely works!!
  • I also ensure I measure my progress along the way, What were things like at the start?, Where am I now in terms of progress? and How close am I getting to my desired goal?
  • I also like to celebrate my mini successes along the way, this is the fun part and I am also very mindful of “enjoying the journey” and having gratitude for what I am progressing towards and achieving in my life.
  • Another important aspect of me achieving my goals is, in some way to inspire others to work towards and achieve their goals, “if I can do it, then YOU can do it“, that really is an important one for me.
  • Throughout the whole process I know I have to stay super focused to get to the end goal, I constantly visualise succeeding and celebrating my achievement.  I am a highly visionary person, so I find this one quite easy, I imagine and picture in tiny details me achieving my goal, what I am wearing, who I am speaking to, how it feels, I visualise every specific detail of the end result.   I 100% know this is one of the most important steps in helping me get there – it keeps the dream/goal alive inside of me, and gives me that “never give up” attitude.
  • I am a confident and determined individual and I know that from my past experiences anything I have put my mind to achieving I always have, I know I am a “High Say” “High Do” person and I set high standards for myself.

The above are just some things that I do towards achieving my goals, for you it may be slightly different or a lot different and I would love to hear, What works for you?

Whatever you do today, may it take you closer to your dreams and goals in life, YOU have the ability to achieve whatever YOU want to achieve, BELIEVE that, SEE that, YOU are the creator of your own reality…..GO NOW MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR YOU!!

Much love to you today, as always and thank you for reading this post, Clarabelle.

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Let Courage Through

What is Ultimately Important to You?

I strongly believe that having time to self reflect on your life, your progress and your self awareness, really helps you to discover who you really are, what you really want and what is ultimately important to you.  This next poem, was written in creative flow and during a moment of self reflection.

Every Moment is a Moment to Change

Take some quiet time today to reflect on where you are at in life and what (if anything) needs to change.  There is love after the heartache, there is peace after the pain, there is happiness after the sadness and you soon will have pure energy again.  Every moment is a moment to change for the better, be the champion of your own life and act as though it is impossible to fail.  Much love to you today Clarabelle.

A Smile from Clarabelle
A Smile from Clarabelle

Let Courage Through

Stop for a minute, pick up a pen,

Jot down some questions, reflect again.

Create space in your head, give it some time,

Listen to the whispers, that make your heart shine.

Live in the moment, let courage through,

Baby steps closer, discover the true you.

poemsbyclarabelle, 21 March 2013

Guest Poet of the Month – Maureen Turner

Guest Poet:  March

Every month I shall be posting a poem/article from a guest blogger.  If you are interested in becoming a guest blogger on this blog, please note your interest on the comments section below or email me at

May I introduce you to a wonderful and talented poet, Maureen Turner.  I know you will love Maureen’s work, she is such a beautiful and heartfelt writer.

Maureen Turner

Maureen Turner
Maureen Turner

Having had tragic circumstances to deal with in my life with the sudden loss of my twin brother, husband and father all within a close space of time, I felt I had to write down some of my thoughts in the form of a poem to try and give me strength to get through such sad times, I feel that poetry helped me express my emotions and hopefully will encourage others to read them and take strength from them to carry on each day and look at every day as a blessing, I now try and look at life in a more positive way and have realised that through time we all get stronger.


In our lives the sun may shine, some days I wonder why not in mine. with a spring in your step, you go about your day, but what about those who are not made that way. 

Sharing your laugh and sharing your smile, means a lot to those who haven’t felt that in a while, they say try to be bubbly, try to be fun, but that’s really hard when you live a life where there is no sun. 

Look in the mirror say what you see, tell yourself is that really me,the frown on my face those unlit eyes, what happened to that smile that could light up the skies.

 Pick yourself up get back on track, watch out my girl or you’ll take a step back.  So here I am smiling today and I have to tell myself ‘there is no other way’.

Copyright:  Maureen Turner 

Maureen has created a beautiful ebook of her own poems and if you would like to know more about Maureen’s work, please email me at and I will certainly put you in touch with her.

It’s Your Life – Go Get It!!

It's Your Life - Go Get It!!
It’s Your Life – Go Get It!!


I believe YOU have a magnificent capacity to grow and fulfill your potential. Yes, sometimes there are barriers in the way but only YOU can break these barriers down. Ahh! But! I hear you say ‘it just ain’t that easy’ – you’re telling me!! Sometimes your greatest learning will come from your own failures or learning from other peoples’ failures. Moving towards the fear is one of those inner challenges which seems so much easier to avoid. But when you go against your core values it tears a part of you away and day by day your true identity slips into the hands of others.

Do you really want to reach the age of 90 and discover through your REGRET that it could all have been different if you only remained true to yourself and took action.

So here comes the empowerment part!!

The greatest of triumphs don’t come easy—that’s why you feel so so FANTASTIC when you do achieve them. Can I help you to make a difference in your life today?– well maybe not, but I am going to give it a damn good try.

Find a quiet space, one where you’ll not get any interruptions for the next 15 minutes or so.

Grab a pen and paper and just take a minute to silence your thoughts.

Now make a list, no matter how wacky it may seem and write down your dreams, goals and aspirations in life. Don’t know what you want? Then the following questions might help you:

What are you truly passionate about?
What life desires are you moved to meet?
What excites you?
What are you really great at?
When are you at your most happiest?
What is your dream career?
What is important to you?
What does a purposeful and meaningful life look like for you?
What places would you like to visit?
What would you like to learn?

GREAT—you may not realise it but you have made the first important step and hopefully you feel inspired to take another step forward. I bet you’re feeling just a little bit excited—if not a lot!

Extreme Passion

When I was planning for my Coaching business—long before it actually started, I got so so excited about helping others to achieve their own dreams in life. My extreme passion released a tremendous amount of energy to motivate action. For me I felt an abundance of excitement that I had never really experienced before. I was 34 years young (always thinking positively) and I am now approaching 7 years of having my own business.

Now, I do want to keep it real here because life is not a bouquet of roses everyday (and I would be crazy to expect that) but I go to sleep feeling happy that I got one step closer to meeting my vision and I wake up EVERY morning delighted that yesterday I faced my fears, took a risk and just went for it.

Inspire Action in YOU

I feel it is such a loss for you not to experience this for yourself –I want this blog post to inspire action in YOU.

A few hundred words merely says it all but if I have inspired just one of you to discover your potential and go for your dreams—I will be absolutely delighted, so please let me know. Personally, I think hearing real stories are the best. I always love to hear readers’ inspiring stories —I invite you to share them with me here on the comments section of this blog.

It’s your life – Go Get It!!

Prayer for the Loss of a Loved One

When someone close to us dies, often prayer can help us to see through each day until we become strong again and are ready to face the world.  I wrote this prayer after hearing about the loss of a friend’s loved one, I hope its sentiment brings strength to anyone who is going through this deep sadness at this time in their life.  Love to you Clarabelle.

Prayer for the Loss of a Loved One
prayer for the loss of a loved one

Prayer for the Loss of a Loved One

Dear God,

I pray that my loved one, is now held gently in your loving arms.

May their soul now be free and abundant with love and light.

Let their happy loving spirit, shine and guide us here on earth.

I pray that my close family and friends, remain strong for each other.

May we continue to be blessed with your loving presence, every moment of every day.



Courage Will Always Find You

Challenges are a blessing, they make us stronger from within, although at the time it doesn’t really feel that way.  Courage will always find you, please have faith and know in your heart of hearts that set backs make us dig deeper and a new opportunity awaits for you.  May you create the right opportunity for you in your life today.  Much love to you Clarabelle.

courage will always find you
courage will always find you

Courage Will Always Find You

Have patience my dear, for all is well;

I see it for your future, I hear its jingle bell.

For just around the corner, is a beautiful light;

Waiting for the darkness, so it can shine on you so bright.

Challenges are a blessing, they make us who we are;

Welcome them with open arms, jump upon the star.

Courage will always find you, be brave and carry on;

Just because you cannot see it, doesn’t mean all hope has gone.

Trust in your heart, have faith in all that’s here;

This path that you are on, is quite simply crystal clear.

This encouraging little message, is especially for you;

It brings peace and loving thoughts, to make you stronger through and through.

poemsbyclarabelle, 5 January 2013

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Sometimes in life, I truly believe that we are meant to meet some people, I know they have crossed my path for a reason. Sometimes at the time, that reason is not clear, however, as time goes by, that reason comes to light – a big, bright, beautiful, stunning shining light, shining the way for the path ahead.  That meeting benefits both people in different ways and creates a mystical magic that grows from within our heart and soul.  I was introduced to a new friend last week and it was this person who inspired the next poem in me.  Never give up on your goal, never give up on your dreams, never give up on your vision and most of all, MOST of all never give up on YOU.  I hope this poem inspires you to take control of your life, make things happen for you and reach out for help, there is always others who want to help and I am most definitely one of them.  If you feel I can help you, then I know I can, I am here for each and everyone of you.  Wishing you a day full of inspired action towards all that you want to achieve in life.  Much love to you Clarabelle.

never give up
never give up

Never Give Up

Never ever,

give up my friend;

Keep on going,

until you get to the end.

Dark clouds may linger,

heavy up high;

But the sun ain’t gone forever,

it’s not its last goodbye.

For in your imagination,

beauty is real;

The outside is a reflection,

of how the inside may feel.

So pick up that spade,

get digging again;

Put the effort in,

to break the painful chain.

The past is the past,

the present is here;

Go for it, make it happen,

whatever time of year.

Sometimes we stumble,

sometimes we fall;

Courage grows from within,

to break down that brick wall.

Happier times are on the horizon,

I know this for you;

Believe and feel before you see it,

this you must do.

Change can only happen,

when you take control;

Have faith, take positive action,

from within your heart and soul.

poemsbyclarabelle, 5 January 2013

There’s a Champion in YOU!!

Life can be really really tough sometimes, it can throw you curve ball after curve ball, whilst you’re climbing up the highest mountain, in the toughest terrain and then just when you think you’re getting somewhere, down comes the avalanche!!  You may not realise it, but this is where the lighting strikes, this is where the miracle happens….saturated in doubts and drenched in tears, your heart and soul gets to work and creates a special magic inside of you, which reaches out and touches the stars.  When you feel the deepest pain, believe me, it’s the start of your healing. How do I know?……I’ve been there.  The New Year is just around the corner, there is life after 2012, I see it is so very special for you, full of love and abundance. My inner calling told me to share this with you today…….sometimes we all need a helping hand – listen to the whispers of your heart, for they only speak truth to you.  Much love to you today, Clarabelle.

New Year
New Year 2013

There’s a Champion in YOU!!

Your light shines brighter, in the dark,

Your heart beats stronger, but leaves no mark.

The soul reconnects, to all of you,

The mountain climb, is in full view.

Pause for a second, feel the calmness in the air,

Your inner being, has much love to share.

The battle ain’t over, but YOU will win,

Believe it and see it, hold up that chin.

Because sometimes we fall, and keep on falling,

Tumbling down the hill, away from our calling.


But where you land, is the start of your healing,

Disguised in your tears, and in the pain you are feeling.

Nothing feels worse, but please trust, in what I say,

As you freeze in the moment, in the heat of the day.

You are a miracle, you are the one,

That can move any mountain, your journey has begun.

For inside your being, a bright flame does glow,

The tougher life gets, the more it does grow.

The eyes cannot see it, as the mind struggles on,

But it’s burning down the virus, until it’s all gone.

Don’t shut out these whispers, have faith, they are true,

Keep going, my friend, there’s a champion in YOU!!

poemsbyclarabelle, 26 December 2012

If you enjoy what you read here on this blog, you may be interested in borrowing for FREE and/or purchasing one of Clarabelle’s self-published inspirational poetry ebooks available to download now on Amazon Kindle, please refer to the Author page on this blog or click HERE