A Heart That Gives….

Sharing with you today.

I woke up during the middle of the night the other day and this quote below appeared in my mind. I have no idea, where those lovely words came from but I know I just had to share it with you today.

“A heart that gives, is a heart that grows.”

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Light Comes Back

stars appear

This is one of my favourite original quotes and the excerpt is taking from a short poetic story I wrote many years ago. My plan is to turn the story into a book one day….watch this space!

“The midnight sky is vast and black, yet stars appear and light comes back.”

By Clarabelle

New Now New You

Why wait for the New Year to come before you makes positive changes in your life. Forget “New Year New You”, think and apply my new motto,

New Now New You

Change now, why wait?

Happy love to you, Clarabelle


What Makes You Happy?

What makes you happy? Isn’t happiness such a lovely feeling.

Do more of what makes you happy.

I’m happy doing this, writing for you on this blog, it really makes me so happy.

Love, happiness and smiles to you,



Sprinkles of Dreams

Sprinkles of Dreams

They sparkle,
I smile with delight.
Loving hands,
Glowing in the light.

They tell a story,
Of hope and truth,
Like the charming spirit,
Of a child’s fairy tooth.

They touch another,
A soft gentle caress,
Washing away problems,
Sorting out the mess.

And glistening in my palm,
The miracle dust holds,
Sprinkles of dreams,
As my passion unfolds.

By Clarabelle


Have Faith

beach and birds

Have faith in your heart and let it bring to you all that you desire.  Take inspired action all the way and enjoy the journey as best as you can.  I love this quote below and wanted to share it with you today:

Faith is the bird that sings to the dawn while it is still dark. (Tagore)

Love, Clarabelle


Just YOU Do it!!

Opportunity quote

I’m in action mode, today, tomorrow and forever. Amen.  🙂  Yes, this is my newly adopted motto for the rest of my life, “Just YOU Do It!! and I think that’s all I need to say here and right now, the rest will follow and the BEST IS YET TO COME.  🙂

Wishing you a “Just YOU Do It” Day.



Let your own sun shine.


The Sun is Shining

It’s been a little bit quiet from me on this Clarabelle Blog, I do apologise, there’s lots happening behind the scenes but I must remember to never forget you, my lovely blog visitors.

So the sun has been shining today in Bonny Scotland but you know regardless of the weather always make sure the sun shines from within your heart.  So that’s today’s motto for you.

Let your own sun shine wherever you go.

Embrace the warmth of your inner sunshine today.

Lots of love, Clarabelle

Clarabelle logo

Inspired Action

When the heart is happy

Inspired Action

I remember when I first heard this quote below, from Dr. Wayne Dyer – it really touched my soul.  I thought I would share it with you today and hopefully it will ring some truth for you and connect with you in a special way to take inspired action.

“Don’t die with your music still inside you. Listen to your intuitive inner voice and find what passion stirs your soul. Listen to that inner voice, and don’t get to the end of your life and say, ‘What if my whole life has been wrong?”
– Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

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Flowers are……

The Birth of a New Year

I hope you celebrated the birth of this new year in style and whatever that is for you I do hope it was very lovely and wonderful.  I was away for a few days with my friend and we had lots of fun, it was really nice to get away.

Beautiful Flowers

Before I went away I bought some beautiful flowers….pink and red roses, I nearly didn’t buy them, because I was going away, but I then thought the flowers are not just for me they are for my beautiful little home.  That was such a lovely decision that I made because when I arrived home yesterday, I was welcomed to their beautiful fresh scent and opening of the roses flowers, it really did make my heart smile inside.

pink and red roses
Clarabelle’s pink and red roses.

Flowers Are….

It reminded me of a quote that my friend sent me this Christmas with my Christmas present of white hanging flowers, on the package she wrote for me “Flowers are the smile of the earth”, how lovely and such a beautiful and touching quote.

Another positive from buying the flowers, when I did, is that it has encouraged me to write this blog post and share it with you……I hope you liked me sharing this story with you.

If, “Flowers are the smile of the earth”, let your heart be the garden for them to grow in.

Lots of love to you today and always,


Clarabelle logo

Open Your Heart….

“Open your heart and see that true beauty is everywhere.”  (Clarabelle)

Open your heart

Photo and Quote by Clarabelle.


When the heart is happy….

“When the heart is happy, miracles happen.” (Clarabelle)

When the heart is happy

Photo and Quote by Clarabelle.  🙂


Happiness Lives In You

“There is only one person who could ever make you happy,

and that person is you.”  David Burns

Today I Was Stuck

Happiness lives in you, it truly does, believe that, live that, breathe that…..your happiness awaits.  Much love to you today, Clarabelle.

Take a walk in nature…

“Take a walk in nature and be grateful for the natural beauty that surrounds you.” 

Take a walk in nature

Photo and Quote by Clarabelle.