Rough Patches of Life


On the pathway to your dreams you are most certainly going to have to get over some rough patches. There may be a cluster of them all at once or more sporadic than that, over a lengthier period of time, but regardless they will be there, eager to put you to the challenge.

Are you up for the challenge?  I surely am, it’s only a “rough patch”, how rough can it get?

Like stormy waters or a rocky road, these challenges make your adventure even more worthwhile because there are many lessons in these hidden bumps.

See if you can change your perception towards the rough patches of life, see them as part of the mystery, as part of the muscle building process for your inner strength. These so called rough patches, strengthen your character and prepare you for the mountain ahead. How big is your mountain? You see, I reckon if it’s not big enough, if it’s not scary enough, then you need a bigger, much higher mountain to climb and that means a bigger more ambitious vision for yourself.

My mountain climb is scary but scary in a good way, the challenge excites me and I see myself, ALWAYS getting to the top…..I am happiest climbing the mountain, especially when I look back and see how far I have come – wow did I really make that journey?

WOW yourself today with your big mountain climb challenge, go on, I dare you!!

Happier days are now, love to you, Clarabelle

The Test is Now

I can do attitude

Whilst going for your dreams, you are always being tested by life.  But there is much beauty and true wisdom in the lessons we learn from “going for it” on this journey.

You have to stay super focused amongst the everyday distractions and this is when you can really tell if it is your true burning passionate desire to achieve this goal.  If it wasn’t, you’d most certainly be very tempted to give up as soon as it gets a little tough.  It is at these times, a super passionate person would dig in even deeper, put in extra effort to really stay on track or take things up a level.  A determination like no other will spur you on to keep going and you will stay resilient towards achieving the goal in hand.

This is me and I want this to be you too.  This is where I am at and I am telling you, nothing is going to stop me and I want you to feel the same about your dreams and goals in life.  I am building up serious momentum each and every day and I am starting to feel the spark lighting up inside of me.  I want the best ever life for you and for me and I do hope your focus, determination and inner strength is as strong as mine and if not even stronger.

If I can do it, You can do it, We can do it – Let’s do it!!

Happy days to you,


I See You


I see you, I know you’re watching me, I believe you are listening to every word I whisper, I feel you’re desire for a better you, a better life, a new tomorrow.

But I know you are a little scared, you have fears, but you’re going to be alright, you’re going to be much much better than alright. How do I know this? I just know this, because that’s why you’re here, everyday you visit me and you know it will help you, you know it will help you ease your current pain and you’re gonna make it.

Did you hear me right?  Yes, you, YOU, you’re gonna make it, that dream you’ve always wanted to achieve, that burning ambition living inside of you……it’s making its way to your heart, it wants to breathe true life into you, it’s getting ready to take on the world and nothing is going to stop it, which means nothing is going to stop you.

Pause for a moment, think about it……really think about it, you can see it right?  I know you can, because I can see it too. WOW, it looks amazing, your future self is so grateful you took the courage and made the first step now.  Go on, take another step, that’s right, you’re doing really great…….do you feel your heart smiling, it is you know, it is smiling with super joy because you’re heading in the right direction.  Where are you going?  Maybe we could do this together, help each other along the way, two brave soldiers heading out into battle and the only outcome possible is reaching the rainbow at the other end.

What a great day this is, this is the most amazing day for you, you might not realise it yet, but you’ve just climbed a huge mountain and you’re now looking at the view from the top……..You may be a little bruised getting here, but you’ve got here, wasn’t it all worth it, don’t you agree that you deserve so much better for you and for your family.  Let’s go my friend, there’s another mountain to climb, but we’re in this together, fighting with our hearts and minds to achieve EVERYTHING that we want and more.

I see you, do you see me?

I can do attitude

Who is this Woman?

Poetic moments from my poetic heart to you.

Who is this Woman?

Who is this woman?
With dreams for the taking.
What is she doing?
What is she making?

She talks of big plans,
And all things good.
She always shines,
In a positive mood.

Why is she writing?
Like she’s talking to me.
Building me up,
Taller than a tree.

Will she tell us?
When her desires show.
Moving from her soul,
And her spirit do flow.

I like her a lot,
This woman on a mission.
Encouraging my heart,
Retrieving my vision.

So I guess I’ll listen,
And set my goals too,
This woman is an Angel,
She lives inside of you.

By Clarabelle


Fairytale Ending

Do you believe in Fairytale endings?… I certainly do, you’ve got to. You’ve got to believe that everything you are working towards on the pathway to your dreams is going to manifest just the way you want it to or even better than that.

Your Fairytale ending is the ultimate vision you want for your future, even if it only feels like a whisper in the wind at the moment. Keep digging, keep trying, keep putting the right energy out there and something’s got to catch, like a ripple effect on the water, only this ripple is connected to your Fairytale ending.

See your reflection in the lake, see it as a mirror image of the person you are becoming, your future self dancing joyfully in your Fairytale ending.

Do something today to get you closer to your dreams…….keep up the great work and never stop putting in the effort that you need to put in until you get there.

Do you believe in Fairytale endings? I do. 🙂

Happy days, Clarabelle


Creativity is the Key

Position yourself into a “create” mindset, by “creating” you’re setting your imagination free. Imagination is the starter key to your success, because everything starts there first.

Yes the whole process takes a lot of commitment, time, energy and effort but if it’s something you’re really passionate about that will never stop you. Nothing will stop the passionate heart…..believe me, nothing!!

I am living and breathing my passionate heart and I will never stop…..never because I believe in what I am creating.

Share your dreams with the world by creating what’s in your imagination. Your imagination is the genius of all geniuses……do the work and make it happen for you.

Stay determined my friend, love Clarabelle

Vision and Heart


Put Vision and heart into your life, create the life that you deserve, design it your way. Your actions and behaviours today will make up your tomorrow so please be mindful of how you are thinking, what you are feeling and what you are doing – it is shaping you the way you want your life to be?

And remember Vision and Heart all the way!!

Love to you today,


Clarabelle 90 Day Challenge


90 Day Challenge

I have set myself a new 90 Day Challenge which will start on Friday, 7 February 2014 and will last until Wednesday, 7 May 2014.  This challenge is to push myself forward with my music career and achieve as much success as I possibly can in this period of time.  I have decided to, take it up a level – drive into a new gear and I am excited about this.

Join Me

If you would like to join me on this 90 Day Challenge that would be absolutely wonderful because we could support each other.  What you would need to do is think of something that you want to achieve over the next 90 days and put your full heart and soul into achieving that.  It’s amazing the results you can achieve, when you increase your energy levels and focus towards something that you really want.

Pure Passion

This 90 Challenge will take pure passion, persistence, discipline, a positive and self empowering attitude, courage, bravery, self belief, faith and a touch of boldness.  You may need to take yourself to places you’ve never been……the unknown awaits YOU but so does the success.

So, LET’S DO IT, let’s do this together and achieve our dreams.

I will be updating my Clarabelle Facebook Page every day on what I’ve been doing and achieving, so please head over there and check it out.  Here is the Facebook Page Link:



What are you going to be celebrating at the end of the 90 Days?
I’d really love to know.

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Heart with a View

Poem Mode

I’ve been back in poem mode recently and have written some deep thinking “look in the mirror” poems recently.  I wrote the one below, this evening, it’s entitled “Heart with a View”, I hope you like it.  Love, Clarabelle

Love heart

Heart with a View

You, yes you,
with the broken smile.
What’s your story,
on this rainbow mile?
Why do the tears,
run down your face.?
Why the sadness,
in a heartfelt place?
Invisible chains,
keep you stuck.
Thoughts of fears,
and “wish me luck”.
But just around the corner,
a harp plays for you,
Its melody so precious,
like a heart with a view.
Just one more step,
nudge forward a little more.
The pitter-patter of your feet,
reveals treasures to explore.
For this life is an adventure,
a colour one.
It offers you everything,
under the sun.
So feel these whispers,
as they talk to you.
The cloud is an angel,
guiding you through.

by Clarabelle, 28 January 2014

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Inspiring Others

Clarabelle Blog Vision Statement

Truly Inspire

When you go for your dreams and goals in life you inspire others by your own doing.  They see you moving forward in your own journey in life and it can truly inspire them too.

Inspiring Change

I have received some lovely messages from people who have shared with me that because I am going for my own dreams and goals in life, it is inspiring them to do that too. Isn’t that such a lovely thing.  So by not only changing your own life for the better, you are also inspiring change in others.  Like a beautiful ripple effect, your positive energy touches the hearts of others.

This is such wonderful thing and I truly do encourage you to just go for it in life because by doing so, you will also inspire others around you – this is the most amazing thing about it all.

Thank you for being here, I am so very grateful.

Love Clarabelle

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Where are you going?

Jerry Nelson Photography
Photo by Jerry Nelson

Destination Unknown

One thing I have discovered for sure, is that if you don’t have clarity on where you are going, chances are you might just go around in circles.  It’s so easy to drift when your destination is unknown, so I would encourage anyone who feels like they are in “drifting” mode to take time out to really answer that question for themselves.


It may seem like such a simple question but it can be a difficult one to answer and/or even a more challenging one to pursue.  You know what you’ve got to do though and I think this is a good place to start.

Please also ensure that the destination is in alignment with your core values, what and who is most important to you in your life, your passions, wants and desires.

I would love to hear all about it, please keep me posted or better still send me a postcard from that beautiful destination, yes that one place that just feels like home, like no other.  🙂

Lots of love to you today, Clarabelle

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Video Poem: The New Me

Which Way Now?

Vision Wall

You deserve the best in life, you deserve to have everything you have ever wanted and I definitely believe that is so possible.  This next poem below was created by me after I completed my Vision Wall, way back in 2012.  If you want to know more about how to create your very own Vision Wall to empower you to make positive changes in your life, then please click on this link:

The New Me

I can honestly the words in this poem “The New Me” definitely ring true for me and I am happy to say that I feel that I am “The New Me” – not a different person but just more of who I really am…..I suppose you could say I have come home.  I do hope you enjoy it and thinking ahead to the New Year, creating your very own Vision Wall might just give you the push that you need to turn your dreams into reality.

The New Me

I searched for, 

the new me,

 My treasure trove,

revealed it to be.

A vision of faith,

I believe in it all,

Empowering language,

on my vision wall.

It focuses on,

the inside out,

The language is powerful,

I hear it shout.

Go on, stand out

from the crowd,

Make a positive start,

feel very proud.

So I welcome you,

to try it one day,

Create your vision

and go your own way.

Created by Clarabelle, 2012.

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True Happiness on Golden Sands

happiness on golden sands

What is the perfect home environment for you? You may already be there but if you’re not, maybe it’s time to get thinking about it. 

I See Myself

I have been thinking about the perfect environment for me going forward in my life.  As much as I really do LOVE the vibrant energy of the city, I now feel that I don’t want that all the time. Lately, I have had this strong inner desire to live in a beach house by the sea. I see myself, waking up there every morning, heading out onto my sea view balcony and being mesmerised by the golden sandy beaches kissing the edge of the clear blue ocean. This is where I will continue to write creatively and meaningfully everyday, my heart and soul is beautifully refreshed by the breath of the sea breeze flowing through my body.

This one thought, this one vision is the beginning of its manifestation……and this next poem is inspired by just that.

Happiness on Golden Sands

The clearest water,
the purest mind.
A giving heart,
so true and kind.

Beware of the bumps,
upon the city road.
Sometimes their light
sometimes a load.

The eyes see the colours,
the soul feels the beat.
Sweet memories last forever,
and new people you will meet.

The clouds float above,
Drifting to far lands.
My beautiful beach house view,
True happiness on golden sands.

Created by Clarabelle, 21 October 2013

Mission Statement

This is a follow on post from the previous posts which related to the Clarabelle Blog core values, purpose and vision.  Today I share with you the Mission Statement for the Clarabelle Blog.  I will do another post further down the line where I pull it altogether in the one post for you i.e. core values, purpose, vision and mission statement of the Clarabelle blog.  There will also be a separate page on the Blog dedicated to these.  I want to build this Blog into something really amazing for you and I feel working on the core values, purpose, vision and mission statement will set strong foundations for going forward.  It may also me something you wish to do for your own blog, business or even self for that matter, so maybe my posts will encourage, support and give you direction with that.  Below is the Clarabelle Blog Mission Statement:

Mission StatementThe stronger I become on the inside and the more I develop and grow the better this blog will become and therefore YOU will deeply benefit also.

Thank you so much for being part of this blog, I really do welcome your comments, likes, follows, reblogs and meaningful contribution in guest posts.  Thank YOU 🙂  Clarabelle

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Loch Ness Marathon Coming Soon…..

Training Plan

The last 4 months I have been training vigorously for the Loch Ness Marathon to be held this Sunday, 29 September 2013.  This is my final week of training and I am pleased to say that it has all gone reasonably well with only some minor injuries and a few cuts and bruises.  This is my third marathon, I did the New York Marathon in 2007 and the London Marathon in 2010, both really challenging but amazing experiences.   Below is a photo of the training plan I have been following for the Loch Ness Marathon 2013:

Loch Ness Marathon Training Plan

I am excited about the Marathon run this Sunday, it can be a very exhilarating and highly emotional experience as you push your body past the realms of capability.  I am not sure if I will commit to doing another Marathon, I may look for a new fitness challenge, so this Sunday I am going to embrace the whole experience fully and be so thankful for my health, energy and fitness levels to take me past the finish line.  Below is a photograph of my running medals since I started road running in 2007:

Marathon Medals

I have learned a lot about myself whilst setting myself these running challenges or any challenge for that matter.  I know when I fully commit to a goal that I want to do, my determination and tunnel-vision focus will always see me achieve it.  It is like I have this inner dial in my subconscious mind switched to whatever the goal is and I know I am going to do it, I have absolute faith and belief that I will achieve that goal…..but it has to be a goal that I am passionate about doing!!

inner dial

Of course, just like any goal you want to achieve in life, you have to have a plan and you have to introduce new daily rituals which will support you and move you towards that goal. Just like my Marathon Training Plan above, then all I have to do is follow it…..simple!! Hahaha, well sometimes not so simple but I know you get my drift.  🙂

So there you have it, this Sunday, 29 September 2013,  I will be running 26.2 miles in an around Inverness, Scotland and I look forward to sharing the success story in a future blog post.

What goal have you always wanted to achieve and why?  Maybe, today is the day you decide to commit to it fully, set the inner dial on your subconscious mind to whatever it is and just you go for it.

Much love to you today,  Clarabelle

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Vision Statement

This is a follow on post from the previous core values and purpose blog posts.  I have been working on the Vision Statement for the Clarabelle Blog.

It is important for this Clarabelle Blog to have a clear Vision for the future in alignment with its core values of:  Love-Life; Dream-Do; Give-Gratitude; Health-Happiness.

Below is the Vision Statement for this Clarabelle Blog, I do hope you connect with it:

Clarabelle Blog Vision Statement

Why You Do What You Do

inspire images

The Next Step

In relation to my previous posts, you will be aware that I have been working on identifying the core values of this Clarabelle Blog and what each value means to me.  The next step was for me to state the true purpose of this blog and then I will work on identifying the Vision and Mission.  It is important for me to explore, identify and share with you, why I do what I do and the direction this blog is taking.    Below is the PURPOSE of this Clarabelle Blog, I do hope you make a positive connection with it.  Lots of love to you today, Clarabelle.  🙂

The purpose of this Clarabelle Blog is:

  • To have a heart to heart conversation with the world, to encourage and inspire others to growdevelop and change for the better.
  • To share wisdom and new learning and to express the creative imagination in a happy spirited way.
  • To provide true meaning and purpose to what I do and to spread a little piece of happiness amongst others.
  • To help others find their own courage to be brave and face the storms of the now in order to have the health and energy to create a better future.
  • To give love and ignite the fire within another’s soul.
  • To show gratitude for all that I am, for all that I am becoming and for all whom I cross paths with.
  • To contribute and promote the success and dreams of others.
  • To live and breathe in alignment with the core values of this blog which are: Love-Life; Dream-Do; Give-Gratitude; Health-Happiness.  Clarabelle Logo

How to Plan Your Life?

Life Planner

Most people spend more time planning their yearly holiday/vacation that they do their life.

What do I mean by life planning?

I believe it is about YOU exploring some of the the following things:

  • Looking at want you specifically want from life.
  • What experiences you want to have?
  • What contribution you want to make?
  • Identifying and understanding your core values.
  • Living your life in alignment with your core values.
  • Aligning your goals and desires to these.
  • Making a plan of action on how you are going to achieve that.
  • Putting the plan into action i.e do the “doing part”.
  • Measuring progress along the way.
  • Celebrating successes.
  • Reflecting on your learning experiences.
  • Continuously developing and implementing feedback.
  • Reviewing and fine tuning your goals along the way.
  • Setting an appropriate timescale for achieving these goals

Some of you may not know this, but I am a fully qualified Coach (Executive, Life & Career), I have had my own Coaching, Leadership/Management Training and Human Resources Business since 2008.  I work with clients in business and privately on the above stuff, I also do tons of work on this myself for my own self development.

If you don’t make a plan or set goals for yourself it can be really easy to “just drift by”, like a cloud in the sky and sometimes helping other people to live out their dreams more than your own.  I am all for helping people with their dreams but this should not be at the detriment to your own self.

Take some time today to think about what you REALLY want from life and how to live your life more in alignment with your core values.  When you do this you will be moving more towards long term life fulfillment rather than just quick fixes and short bursts of happiness.

Maybe just maybe your were meant to read this post today and maybe just maybe it will inspire you to take that first step towards living the life you truly desire and truly deserve. Don’t be a drifting cloud in the sky, be that SUN shining bright and full of forever happiness.

Much love to you today, Clarabelle

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Never Give Up On You

The image below says it all really.  I wrote this next poem for you.  May you never give up on all that you are becoming and more.  Love to you Clarabelle.

Never Give Up

Never Give Up On You

Never give up on you
Show them what you can do
Dream a little more
Opportunity will knock on your door
Abundance awaits for you
Keep going, see it through
Step closer to your goal
Sweet diamonds come from coal

poemsbyclarabelle, 4 August 2013

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Wish Upon a Penny

United States penny, obverse, 2002

Here is a wee poem I wrote last week, STOP that inner critic, pick up a penny, hold it close to your heart, make a wish and pass the penny on…… believe that your wish will come true, MAKE your wish come true.  Wishing you wonderful moments of fulfilled wishes.  Love Clarabelle

Wish Upon a Penny

I listen in the silence, sweet birdies do sing
Should I turn on the TV and drown out their din
I will ignore their calling, just for a while
I’ve a busy mind, chores they do pile
The sun it may shine, but my head’s in a cloud
A storm is brewing, amongst this crowd
I’m strangled in frustration, fighting the war
No one sees me and my internal decor
To just get by, another day,
Gives me hope, paves the way

Then Lightning strikes, STOP, look at your life
Look at your reactions, creating this strife
Sing another song, dance to another tune
Darkness will fade, here comes the moon
See the beauty, in each moment now
Look in the mirror, don’t ask how
Be grateful for your riches, you have many
Create a new you, wish upon a penny

poemsbyclarabelle, 7 July 2013

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