One Word

There is so much POWER in our words

What one word best describes you?

Is there actually one word that would encapsulate everything that you’re all about?

Look for your ‘one’ word – can you think of it?

Even under copious amounts of caffiene, I could not think of that ‘one’ word for myself. I don’t actually think that word exists – so maybe I have to create it!

You see, when I challenged you to think of that ‘one’ word, it immediately put limits on your thinking but our thinking needs to be limitless in order to engage and change worlds.

So let’s get a little creative here. I think my newly created ‘one’ word needs to be blended into something so magnificent, you’re never going to forget it.

A bit like the stupendous word “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” from the famous Disney Movie, Mary Poppins.

There is so much POWER in our words and they can be used for the greatest good or to disempower, so please be very mindful of the words you say to yourself and to others.

I’ve got to say, one of my favourite words is “aspirational” – for some reason, that word seems to “breathe life into me”.

Another word I seem to love is “exponential”. I was first introduced to this word by Broadcaster & Global Keynote Speaker, Rene Carayol at the “The Time is Now” Leadership Conference, held in Glasgow City Centre in 2009.

“Imaginative” another wonderful word that seems to ignite my spirit.

Okay, I need more time to create ‘THEE’ one word but I think you get the moral of the story:

When you add rules, limits and boundaries to your creative thinking, you are boxing up the best of you.

Remember you are a GIFT, so special, that doesn’t need to be boxed up.

Next time you’re in a team meeting trying to come up with an innovative solution or new concept, allow your thinking to flow freely with no barriers in the way.

By Clarabelle, London, UK
Created on 16 August 2022
Posted to Blog on 10 September 2022

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Creativity is the Key

Position yourself into a “create” mindset, by “creating” you’re setting your imagination free. Imagination is the starter key to your success, because everything starts there first.

Yes the whole process takes a lot of commitment, time, energy and effort but if it’s something you’re really passionate about that will never stop you. Nothing will stop the passionate heart…..believe me, nothing!!

I am living and breathing my passionate heart and I will never stop…..never because I believe in what I am creating.

Share your dreams with the world by creating what’s in your imagination. Your imagination is the genius of all geniuses……do the work and make it happen for you.

Stay determined my friend, love Clarabelle

Field of Love

I had this thought whilst out running yesterday morning, it certainly made me think and maybe because I am very much a ‘people person’ i.e. I love people, is why I think this way.

golden summer meadow

Golden Summer Meadow

Imagine you were walking alone through a beautiful golden summer meadow, beneath the bluest of skies, with the sun beaming down on all the colours of the flowers around you, the scenery is so stunning it has a white haze around it, as if you were in your own beautiful dream.

You feel lots of love around you, you feel happy, contented and at peace, you are grateful for this moment, you feel very blessed indeed.  Imagine that moment for yourself right now, if you’re anything like me, you feel so happy and have a soft smile upon your face. What is it that makes you feel that way, when you walk through the golden summer meadow, what makes you feel at one?

Think About This Now

Now I’m going to switch this up a little bit, imagine everything is the same as above but the only difference is, you now know that you are the only person living in this world whilst walking through the beautiful golden summer meadow, think about this now, how does it make you feel?  I thought about this, the surroundings have not changed but for me, now I feel alone, now I feel lifeless, now I feel lacking in energy, now I feel dead inside……why do I feel this way?  

No Life But Your Own 

For me, it is because there are no people to share this experience with, no family or friends to go home and talk to, no conversations to look forward to, no laughter shared with another, no life but your own, no relationships to nurture, no one to give your love to, no one to love, just to give love to yourself.

So I am thinking, that you have can as much self love within you to reach the stars and back but if you don’t have other people in your life to share it with, to give your love to, it becomes dead, it doesn’t thrive, it doesn’t grow.

Field of Love

You see this made me think about how we are all connected, we are all connected with that invisible field of love, love’s energy is keeping this Universe alive and the best way for the Universe to grow and thrive is to share your love with others and in doing so you get more love.

A little love goes a long way, you will never be alone in the beautiful golden summer meadow as long as there is love inside of you and the knowing that it is reaching out to others.

Your love is so powerful, more powerful than you will ever know but I feel the key is to ensure you share it, you give yourself the opportunity to express it, you give it, this I feel is what will ignite the inner flame of your own love, it will take root and nourish every part of your very being.

Another way of looking at it is this, imagine you’re the only person in this world with a loving heart……..I think that’s another blog post.

Thank you for taking the time to read my running reflections, would be good to know what you think of it all, I’d love to know.

Wishing you a beautiful day filled with love, Clarabelle

Clarabelle Logo

Divine Harmony

Divine Harmony by Clarabelle
Divine Harmony by Clarabelle


I am a great believer that creativity and imagination are two of the key components to a happy and  fulfilling life and when you combine this with truth, love, passion, inspiration and connectedness you get something that is really “explosive”, internally and externally.  I am sure we have all experienced our dancing minds playing a “tug-of-war” with our heart-strings – lately I have been letting my heart win and my inner spirit is running joyously free.

Creative Mode

Moving out of competitive mode and into creative mode has lifted my being to another level and I feel truly liberated.  This transition has led me to create the beginnings of my first ever music album, entitled “Divine Harmony”, a compilation of inspirational music that talks to your soul, sings to your heart and connects with your mind in a magnetic manner.  I have now produced 8 musical tracks so far, let me tell you a little bit about each one:

Track 1:  “Running Free” – This musical piece tells the story of “returning to your soul”, it takes you through a journey of life experiences that have went from deep sadness and loss to letting go, breaking free and arriving at who you really are.  It is ultimately upbeat and uplifting.

Track 2:  “Hearts Apart” – I wrote this musical piece based on some recent news that my Sister, Brother-in-Law, Nephew and Nieces are all emigrating to Mississippi next month.  This musical compilation tells of the heart-warming story of my deep love for them as they travel on their own journey of happiness and adventure.

Track 3:  “Moving On” – This creative piece is ultimately about love – being, doing and having love.  It is about letting go of past loves and opening your heart to new loves now and in the future.  It is a very moving and touching musical story and I had someone special in mind when writing this musical piece.

Track 4:  “Inspiring Hearts” – This track is a part of who I am, it shares the story of my passion and desire to inspire hearts all over the world.  The music aims to connect with ones soul and deeply move them in an inspirational and motivational way.

Track 5:  “Flight of the Blue Butterfly” – This musical composition tells the story of the stages of healing towards ultimate freedom of heart, soul, mind and spirit.  The blue butterfly is very significant for me and you can see it pictured as part of my Clarabelle logo.   This harmonious musical piece aims to move you in a peaceful and spiritual way.

Track 6:  “Happiness Now” – This track is a musical compilation of what it sounds like to me to experience happiness in each and every moment.  It will help you to open up your heart to the whispers of your soul and see and feel the beauty in each precious moment of life.  Beauty is all around us and this track is a unique representation of that.

Track 7:  “Coming Home” – This musical piece tells the story of my self-journey to being at one with oneself.  It shares the realisation that the answers were always there, from within.    It is a musical expression of who I am and all I ever need to be.  In this artistic creation, “I have arrived”.

Track 8:  “I Am” – This track is a musical celebration of the soul, the artistic expression of knowing that I always knew and trusting the feelings from within.  It is an uplifting and moving musical piece that will surely touch your inner being.

Clarabelle “Divine Harmony”

There will be 13 tracks in total on the album and I aim to have it fully completed by 6 May 2013.  The album will be registered and uploaded to iTunes for immediate purchase.  I will also have it available to purchase in CD format.  Purchase price is £5.00.

If you would like to pre-order a copy of this inspirational masterpiece by Clarabelle, please note your interest below in the comments section or send me an email to

I am so excited about sharing the album with you, I have a real belief and faith that it will inspire you on the path to “Divine Harmony“.

Lots of love to you today, tomorrow and always,  Clarabelle.

Natural Flow

When I am out running, I often feel like I fall into some sort of hypnotic or meditative state, it’s hard to explain and put into words but whilst out running today I was thinking about it.  Sometimes my runs are easy, free-flowing, effortless and natural (like yesterday) and sometimes my runs feel really tough (like today).  Whilst out running this morning I was thinking about, what makes the difference in me? I know that when my mind is busy, like today, my runs are tougher and when my mind is silent, it feels like, as the runner, I become the run.  This then got me thinking about other things that would also apply to, i.e. the lover becomes the love, the singer becomes the song etc.. etc..  Which inspired this next poem.  Whatever you do today, may it feel natural, loving and in spirit.  Love Clarabelle

Natural Flow
Natural Flow

Natural Flow

The runner becomes the run;

The laughter becomes the fun.

The walker becomes the walk;

The talker becomes the talk.

This is what I know;

This is natural flow.


The lover becomes the love;

The rain flows from the cloud above.

The singer becomes the song;

Solitude is where I belong.

This is what I feel;

This for me is real.


The artist becomes the art;

True spirit flows from your heart.

The swimmer becomes the sea;

Creative flow comes from feeling free.

This for me is true;

I believe for me and you.


This poem is part of the poet;

A gift and how I know it.

 poemsbyclarabelle, Copyright 18 February 2013

A Miracle is in the Air

Not long till spring time, yet I wake up this morning to a pretty blanket of white snow (see photo below, taken this morning, of the trees in my garden).  As winter takes its last breath and holds on, I decide to write some poetry.  I feel a light inner calmness in me as I look outside, the perfect mode for the heart and soul to sing.  A miracle is in the air, I can feel it and it’s making its way to you today.  Much love to you Clarabelle.  

Clarabelle's Garden 11.03.13
Clarabelle’s Garden 11.03.13

A Miracle is in the Air

It’s the middle of March, it silently falls,

Snowy roof tops, icy halls.

Angels whisper,  a miracle is in the air,

Lovingly white snowflakes, caress my hair.

It’s nearly spring, yet winter holds on,

White candy floss, now covers my lawn.

It looks very pretty, fresh and clear,

Winter’s last calling, at this time of year.

I stare at its beauty, it brings calmness in me,

The brightest white, on my conifer tree

A picture perfect, is in front of my eyes

Mixed seasons, can be wonderous, a magical surprise.

poemsbyclarabelle, 11 March 2013

Whispers in her Soul

“Dreams build momentum as faith grows inside.  Believe in yourself, believe it, have pride.” (Clarabelle)  

When the time feels right and you’ve held onto your dreams for long enough, you will know when it is time to let go, to free your soul and release your dreams to the world.  The heart will speak, the universe will give you signs, then you will know, you will just feel it and know.  Dream it, Do it.  Go forth in the direction of your dreams.  Love Clarabelle.

Whispers in her Soul
Whispers in her Soul

Whispers in her Soul

She wakes up every day, with a song in her heart;

Her Vision is so strong, sweet music – the missing part.

Like a jigsaw puzzle, being pieced together;

Her motivation is high, no matter the weather.

For in the purpose of her heart, there lies the key;

A bright flame is burning, mesmerizing she.

She knows her faith, is stronger than ever;

She believes in herself, deeper than the river.

She swims against the current, going her own way;

Touching hearts, each and every day.

Her music is silent, it whispers in her soul;

One day she will empty it, making her whole.

The dream is building, time is nearly here;

Nothing is in her way, not even one fear.

Embrace yourself world, get ready to listen;

For when her sound is heard, the universe will glisten.

poemsbyclarabelle, 28 February 2013

Happiness Dances Around You

Happiness can be accessed at any moment and at any time of the day.  Give up the ghost of darkness, for your inner light is special and it is connected to an abundance of pure love.  May happiness dance around you today and always.  Love Clarabelle.  This next poem is for you.  Have a beautiful day.  

Happiness Dances Around You
Happiness Dances Around You

Happiness Dances Around You

Oh sweet and  precious moment, I cherish you now;

Long have I awaited, to free me from this how.

I feel my heart glisten, spreading happy thoughts;

Releasing me from pain, undoing the difficult knots.

For once when I was sad, life did get me down;

A painted smile upon my face, masking the frown.

But even through that anguish, a light in me did shine;

The beauty of an open door, a white butterfly was the sign.

Today life is on the up, I’m reaching many heights;

My spirit is alive and I’m flying amongst the kites.

Light as a feather, I’m nourished at the soul;

My eyes sparkle like diamonds, when once they looked like coal.

So pick up the pace of life, your heart has a story to tell;

Happiness dances around you, it’s time to break out of your shell

poemsbyclarabelle, 25 February 2013.

Keep a Strong Mind

Life Throws Us Many Challenges

Life throws us many challenges and sometimes just when you think you’ve got a little closer to the mountain top, darkness falls and fears and frustrations kick in.  No one said life was ever going to be easy, but we must remember there are many things in life to be grateful for right now.  Having an attitude of gratitude will become your inner torch, and will fill up your soul with an abundance of love and light.  This next poem was written by me, during a challenging time in my life and my self expression through my poetry, at times, was my saving grace.  I now share this with you in the hope that it will help you in some way to move forward regardless of the barriers that are in your way.  Much love to you today and always, Clarabelle.

keep a strong mind
keep a strong mind

Keep a Strong Mind

Too many things, so much to do;

One day feeling bright, the other feeling blue.

At this age now, I look life in the eyes;

Where am I going?  Where’s the surprise?

It’s gone a bit stale, I feel the dust;

I need to take action, this is a must.

The mountain is high, and the weather is bleak;

I must keep a strong mind, even though I feel weak.

Trudge, trudge, every step up the hill;

Moves me closer, this dream I will fulfill.

To escape in my imagination, makes me feel free;

It uplifts my spirits, like the wind’s carrying me.

For I come alive, when I write through my soul;

It opens the straight jacket, and fills up the black hole.

There are no boundaries, no pain my way;

The creativity is flowing, I’m listening to what I say.

It feels like magic, the words they come fast;

Meaningful moments, inspiration that lasts.

This feels easy, as I explore deep inside;

The experiences I hold, come in like the tide.

This I must do, it’s where I feel best;

Forget the distractions and let my mind just rest.

For here I find peace, just the silence and me;

My world is not empty, when I just be.

poemsbyclarabelle, 17 April 2012


Painting with Words

I love creativity, I love imagination, I love self-expression, I love painting with words. I feel this is where I belong, it feels like home to me, I feel I’m connected to another source when all of these come together and I know I am not the only one who feels this way when in artistic mode.  This next poem in inspired by that.  I wish for you a day where you do things that you love.  Much love to you, as always, Clarabelle.

painting with words
painting with words

Painting with Words

I write these words, there’s no stopping me;

Late at night, the moon shines on what is to be.

It fills up my senses, with pure delight;

Awakens my spirit, all through the night.

There’s no escaping, the beauty of this soul;

It flows so abundantly, fills up the black hole.

Painting with words, is like treasure in my hand;

A princess of all princesses, welcome to my land.

poemsbyclarabelle, 5 January 2013

You can listen to the Poemcast for the above poem by clicking on the link below.

PBC Poemcast 14 – Painting with Words

If you enjoy what you read here on this blog, you may be interested in borrowing for FREE and/or purchasing one of Clarabelle’s self-published inspirational poetry ebooks available to download now on Amazon Kindle, please refer to the Author page on this blog or click HERE

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Sometimes in life, I truly believe that we are meant to meet some people, I know they have crossed my path for a reason. Sometimes at the time, that reason is not clear, however, as time goes by, that reason comes to light – a big, bright, beautiful, stunning shining light, shining the way for the path ahead.  That meeting benefits both people in different ways and creates a mystical magic that grows from within our heart and soul.  I was introduced to a new friend last week and it was this person who inspired the next poem in me.  Never give up on your goal, never give up on your dreams, never give up on your vision and most of all, MOST of all never give up on YOU.  I hope this poem inspires you to take control of your life, make things happen for you and reach out for help, there is always others who want to help and I am most definitely one of them.  If you feel I can help you, then I know I can, I am here for each and everyone of you.  Wishing you a day full of inspired action towards all that you want to achieve in life.  Much love to you Clarabelle.

never give up
never give up

Never Give Up

Never ever,

give up my friend;

Keep on going,

until you get to the end.

Dark clouds may linger,

heavy up high;

But the sun ain’t gone forever,

it’s not its last goodbye.

For in your imagination,

beauty is real;

The outside is a reflection,

of how the inside may feel.

So pick up that spade,

get digging again;

Put the effort in,

to break the painful chain.

The past is the past,

the present is here;

Go for it, make it happen,

whatever time of year.

Sometimes we stumble,

sometimes we fall;

Courage grows from within,

to break down that brick wall.

Happier times are on the horizon,

I know this for you;

Believe and feel before you see it,

this you must do.

Change can only happen,

when you take control;

Have faith, take positive action,

from within your heart and soul.

poemsbyclarabelle, 5 January 2013

Waiting for the Sun

I awakened very early yesterday morning, just before 5am and I seemed to be in creative thinking mode.  I grabbed a pen and piece of paper and wrote 3 poems, one after the other, I love it when that happens.  Here is the first one, inspired from being in the magic of ‘creative flow’.  Wishing you a wonderful day, enjoy being present in every moment of it. Lots of love Clarabelle.

waiting for the sun  Waiting for the Sun

Waiting for the sun to come up,

Darkness fades, as I fill my cup.

I contemplate, the day ahead,

Dreams, hope, love, fulfills my head.

Tick tock, tick tock – my morning call,

Balanced beauty in this moment, no rise or fall.

Presence is here, spirit is drive,

Passion awakes me, energy I thrive.

The air is tranquil, my mind is free,

Watch out world, I’m coming to get thee.

poemsbyclarabelle, 16 September 2012

If you enjoy what you read here on this blog, you may be interested in borrowing for FREE and/or purchasing one of Clarabelle’s self-published inspirational poetry ebooks available to download now on Amazon Kindle, please refer to the Author page on this blog or click HERE

True Beauty is Life

The creative spirit uplifts the imagination to another dimension and produces art that moves the soul.  In this moment, I am listening to inspirational music and I am in ‘flow’, taking action and embracing the true beauty of life, this next poem is for you.

 The falling star, shoots from the sky

Paradise captures, the reason why

It glistens and sparkles, for all to see

Magic in the air, oneness in me

It uplifts my mood and takes me there

Awakens my heart, soul stripped bare

Light as a feather, I dance and sing

The white dove has taken me, under its wing

 True beauty is life, if we see it that way

Tomorrow is not here yet, let’s live for today

poemsbyclarabelle, 6 May 2012

If you really like what you read here on this blog, you may be interested in purchasing one of Clarabelle’s self-published inspirational ebooks available to download now on Amazon Kindle, please refer to the Author page on this blog or click HERE

My Brooklyn Bridge King

When I see stunning photographs or paintings of the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, it takes my imagination to different heights.  A feeling of magic, mystique, romance, energy, vibrancy, connection and love all rolled into one, comes over me.  I will soon be back there, living the dream and embracing the most perfect moment…..I see it, I feel it, I believe it.  Today, let your imagination soar into the clouds and see yourself in that place you want to be.  Have a beautiful day, love Clarabelle.

Brooklyn Bridge, New York

My Brooklyn Bridge King

Oh Brooklyn Bridge, how I love thee,

So strong and robust, above the sea.

You light up my soul, in the darkest night,

Like a powerful beacon, a shining knight.

You stretch my imagination, and unite lonely hearts,

A gentle giant and protector, in all of your parts.

Carry me over, let my spirit sing,

Dance with me forever, my Brooklyn Bridge King.

poemsbyclarabelle, 31 August 2012

If you enjoy what you read here on this blog, you may be interested in borrowing for FREE and/or purchasing one of Clarabelle’s self-published inspirational poetry ebooks available to download now on Amazon Kindle, please refer to the Author page on this blog or click HERE

Happiness I Bring

Sometimes when I am in ‘creative thinking’ mode, it is like being in a mesmerized state of mind, where all the dots seem to connect perfectly.  It’s like being lost in my imagination and the rhythm feels just right – hard to explain really.  I distinctively remember creating the poem below, even though, in that moment, I had shut off from the world.  I was in that hypnotic happy state – it was pure escapism for me at the time as I was really unhappy in my job.  This is another poem from the year 1996, which I have now categorised as, ‘Out of my head and into the archives’.  In this fast world, may your day be filled with truth, love and serenity.  Clarabelle


Happiness I Bring

Faster and faster, the world goes by,

Moving unnoticed, until you stop and think, why?

I look up to the clouds, shades of dull white,

Overlapping with each other, in slow motion, at height.

Afar in the distance, images are faint,

A mixture of shapes, and colours I paint.

Reflections on windows, the opposite way round,

Birds swifting by, some silently sound.

Reality sometimes, feels such a beautiful thing,

It this moment now, happiness I bring.

poemsbyclarabelle, Created in 1996

Creative Talent

I am so grateful to have come across so many talented individuals through writing this blog, the creative mind is simply amazing and when it is set free, nothing is impossible. This next poem is for all you creative, talented individuals out there, please continue to share your stunning work with others . . . unleash your potential, keep the creativity coming and believe you truly are a genius in this world.  We are all creative beings, wishing you a wonderful day full of ‘creative flow’, abundant imagination and dream-catching moments

Creative Talent

Creative talent, will always shine through

It’s in your blood, in all that you do

It comes from your heart, when your soul is on fire

Uplifting your spirit, growing burning desire

When you are in ‘flow’, all feels true

Bright as the sun, above deep oceans of blue

Treasures of hope, escape and uncover

The magical mind, that’s open to discover

Focus is on point, the brain is engaged

Free from the world, nothing feels caged

The strongest connection, to the inner self

Unleash your potential, display your talents on the shelf

 poemsbyclarabelle, 30 May 2012

If you enjoy what you read here on this blog, you may be interested in borrowing for FREE and/or purchasing one of Clarabelle’s self-published inspirational poetry ebooks available to download now on Amazon Kindle, please refer to the Author page on this blog or click HERE

Creativity Flows

Imagination is the highest kite that one can fly.  Being in creative flow is a magical experience that we all have the power to achieve.  This next poem is inspired by the creativity within us all – unleash your human potential today.

Creativity Flows

Swinging from the clouds so high

Dancing with stars, in the midnight sky

Feel the fresh air, upon your face

Worries banish, without a trace

Imagination brings, wonderful things

Lost in its beauty, the sweet angel sings

Creativity flows and my soul is at one

The mind is free and the feeling is fun

The inner voice is calling, pen to paper I go

Writing true words, row after row

The meaning is heartfelt and empowering for you

Express yourself greatly and happiness shines through

poemsbyclarabelle, Created on 12 May 2012

True Beauty is Life

The creative spirit uplifts the imagination to another dimension and produces art that moves the soul.  In this moment, I am listening to inspirational music and I am in ‘flow’, taking action and embracing the true beauty of life, this next poem is for you.

 The falling star, shoots from the sky

Paradise captures, the reason why

It glistens and sparkles, for all to see

Magic in the air, oneness in me

It uplifts my mood and takes me there

Awakens my heart, soul stripped bare

Light as a feather, I dance and sing

The white dove has taken me, under its wing

 True beauty is life, if we see it that way

Tomorrow is not here yet, let’s live for today

poemsbyclarabelle, 6 May 2012

If you really like what you read here on this blog, you may be interested in purchasing one of Clarabelle’s self-published inspirational ebooks available to download now on Amazon Kindle, please refer to the Author page on this blog or click HERE

I Dream of You

Poem, I Dream of You

We all have dreams, some of us make them happen and some of us hold on to them in our imagination and never let them go, allowing them to sleep silently in the midst of our minds and that’s okay, if that feels right for you.  I would say that I am a dreamer, my dreams make me feel alive, for me I need to take action towards making them come true, because in my opinion, without dreams the world would be a lifeless place.  This next poem was triggered by looking at a photograph of an absolutely stunning sunset, it was so hypnotic and mesmerising that I just had to write.  This is what the imagination created, I hope it awakens your spirit too.


I Dream of You

I watch the sunset, through your eyes

You are full of mystery and surprise

The brightest stars, the highest moon

Sparkling forever, in your cocoon

Your genuine spirit, is shining through

A magical paradise, as I dream of you

I feel your heart, connecting with me

The most powerful magnet, the eyes cannot see

I’m drenched in your soul, the river is deep

Together as one, this moment we shall keep

 poemsbyclarabelle, 30 April 2012

If you really like what you read here on this blog, you may be interested in purchasing one of Clarabelle’s self-published inspirational ebooks available to download now on Amazon Kindle, please refer to the Author page on this blog or click HERE

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